Lesson 1 - Time Management
Lesson 1 – Time Management Objectives: Explain why time management is a valuable skill Identify time management strategies
Skills to be efficient and productive with your time Time Management Skills to be efficient and productive with your time This is a good time to talk about how time management is effective not only in business, but school and personal life as well.
Time Management Tools Time management tools will help employees develop organizational skills professionally and personally. Time management tools include: daily planners calendars online calendars smart phone tools Have students go around the room and share their favorite time management tool. You’d be surprised, you may all learn something!
Time Management Plan Some techniques for creating a time management plan Prioritize Identify habits Make a “to do” list Plan ahead Avoid distractions Have students make a to-do list for the week. Have them go through and prioritize their list, numbering items in order of importance. Do they foresee any distractions or obstacles to getting everything on their list accomplished?
Time Management Tips Re-evaluate and adapt when things go wrong Schedule difficult tasks during your most productive hours Set realistic goals Learn from your mistakes
Activity Based on your discussion of time management tools and creating a time management plan, what is one thing you could do to better manage you own personal time? Students can work independently or in groups. They can record their answers, or depending on the students, you may want to give them time to pause and reflect on the question quietly.
Lesson 1 – Time Management Summary: Explain why time management is a valuable skill Identify time management strategies