Department Wars Congratulations to the Math Department on winning the Department Wars for most festive and best dressed.
Holiday’s Around the World Thanks to everyone who participated in the Holiday Around the World Celebration.
Holiday Cards Students will be writing holiday cards for senior citizens during lunch today.
Cheeseburgers Honey BBQ Chicken Wrap Waffle Fries or Wedges Veggie Cup Lunch Menu Cheeseburgers Honey BBQ Chicken Wrap Waffle Fries or Wedges Veggie Cup Fruit Sorbet Applesauce
Mother’s and Children’s Ministry donations are needed. MAC House Donation Box Mother’s and Children’s Ministry donations are needed. Bring basic toiletry items to the main office today.
Ms. James Any and all students are asked to come to room 332 to sign a card for Ms. James.
Theatre Auditions Auditions for the Spring Musical You're A Good Man Charlie Brown, will be January, 10th -11th from 2:30-6pm in the auditorium. Auditions are open to all students. Prepare 30 seconds of a song from a musical, choreography, and monologue. There will also be cold readings. If you are interested in being a techie for the show you also need to come one of the two days to fill out paperwork.
Throwback Thursday Submit your throwback pictures to or bring them to room 912.
This weeks’ SPORTS
The Swim team defeat West Rowan. Swimming The Swim team defeat West Rowan.
The Basketball team beat South Rowan 76-40. Lavar Batts Jr: 12p Isaac Boothe: 11p Jason White: 9p Troy Barnes: 8p AJ Gallagher: 7p