A01班の活動報告 大野木哲也 2019/4/19.


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Presentation transcript:

A01班の活動報告 大野木哲也 2019/4/19

研究代表者、分担者 連携研究者 研究協力者 研究員 大野木哲也(大阪大)、藏増嘉伸(筑波大)、 山田憲和(KEK) 研究代表者、分担者  大野木哲也(大阪大)、藏増嘉伸(筑波大)、 山田憲和(KEK) 連携研究者 青木保道(理研)、石井理修(筑波大)、石川健一(広島大)、 石塚成人(筑波大)、金児隆志(KEK)、新谷栄悟(大阪大)、 谷口裕介(筑波大)野秋淳一(KEK)、橋本省二(KEK)、 早川雅司(名古屋大)、古井保貞(帝京大)、山崎剛(筑波大) 研究協力者  出渕卓(理研BNL)  研究員  青山龍美(KEK、2009年12月まで)、新谷栄悟(大阪大)、 山崎剛(筑波大) 2019/4/19

Goal of A01 group QCD 1st year: establish the basic strategy 3. Particle Physics Phenomenology Determination of QCD parameters Flavor Physics Beyond Standard Model QCD 1. Vacuum and hadronic properties Hadron spectrum and form facorts Chiral dynamics quark dynamics 2. Hadron interactions Nuclear potential Nuclei Exotic states 1st year: establish the basic strategy 2019/4/19

4 Journal papers H. Fukaya, S. Aoki, S. Hashimoto, T. Kaneko, J. Noaki, T. Onogi, N. Yamada, "Determination of the chiral condensate from 2+1-flavor lattice QCD", to be published in Phys. .Rev..Lett., arXiv:0911.5555[hep-lat] J. Noaki, T.W. Chiu, H. Fukaya, S. Hashimoto, H. Matsufuru, T. Onogi, E. Shintani, N. Yamada, "Non-perturbative renormalization of bilinear operators with dynamical overlap fermions", Phys. Rev. D81:034502,2010 arXiv:0907.2751[hep-lat] S. Aoki, T. W. Chiu, H. Fukaya, S. Hashimoto, T. H. Hsieh, T. Kaneko, H. Matsufuru, J. Noaki, T. Onogi, E. Shintani, N. Yamada, "Pion form factors from two-flavor lattice QCD with exact chiral symmetry", Phys. Rev. D80:034508,2009. arXiv:0905.2465[hep-lat] E. Bilgici, A. Flachi, E. Itou, Kurachi, C.-J. D. Lin, H. Matsufuru, H. Ohki, T. Onogi and T. Yamazaki, "New scheme for the running coupling constant in gauge theories using Wilson loops", Phys. Rev. D 80, 034507 (2009) pp 1-14, arXiv:0902.3768[hep-lat] 2019/4/19

4 Preprints E. Shintani, S. Aoki, H. Fukaya, S. Hashimoto, T. Kaneko, T. Onogi, N. Yamada, JLQCD collaboration: "Strong coupling constant from vacuum polarization functions in three-flavor lattice QCD with dynamical overlap fermions", arXiv:1002.0371[hep-lat] Tatsumi Aoyama, Katsuyuki Asano, Masashi Hayakawa, Toichiro Kinoshita, Makiko Nio, Noriaki Watanabe, "Tenth-order lepton g−2: Contribution from diagrams containing sixth-order light-by-light-scattering subdiagram internally", arXiv:1001.3704[hep-lat] T. Yamazaki, Y. Kuramashi, A. Ukawa, "Helium Nuclei in Quenched Lattice QCD", arXiv:0912.1383[hep-lat] S. Aoki, K.-I. Ishikawa, N. Ishizuka, T. Izubuchi, D. Kadoh, K. Kanaya, Y. Kuramashia, Y. Namekawa, M. Okawa, Y. Taniguchi, A. Ukawa, N. Ukita, T. Yamazaki, T. Yoshie, PACS-CS collboration "Physical Point Simulation in 2+1 Flavor Lattice QCD", arXiv:0911.2561[hep-lat] 2019/4/19

10 Proccedings E. Shintani, S. Aoki, S. Hashimoto,T. Onogi, N. Yamada (for JLQCD Collaboration), "π0 to two-photon decay in lattice QCD", PoS(LATTICE2009) 246, arXiv:0912.0253[hep-lat]. Y. Namekawa (for PACS-CS Collaboration), "Heavy-light mesons in 2+1 flavor lattice QCD", arXiv:0911.5362[hep-lat] Ran Zhou, Shunpei Uno, "Isospin breaking in 2+1 flavor QCD+QED", arXiv:0911.1541[hep-lat] Erek Bilgici, Antonino Flachi, Etsuko Itou, Masafumi Kurachi, C.-J. David Lin, Hideo Matsufuru, Hiroshi Ohki, Tetsuya Onogi, Eigo Shintani, Takeshi Yamazaki, "Search for the IR fixed point in the twisted Polyakov loop scheme", arXiv:0910.4916[hep-lat] N. Yamada, M. Hayakawa, K.-I. Ishikawa, Y. Osaki, S. Takeda, S. Uno, "Study of the running coupling constant in 10-flavor QCD with the Schröedinger functional method", arXiv:0910.4218[hep-lat] JLQCD and TWQCD Collaborations: T.H. Hsieh, S. Aoki, T.W. Chiu, H. Fukaya, S. Hashimoto, T. Kaneko, H. Matsufuru, J. Noaki, K. Ogawa, T. Onogi, N. Yamada, "Topological quantum fluctuations in lattice QCD with overlap Dirac quarks", PoS(LATTICE2009) 034. JLQCD collaboration: K. Takeda, S. Aoki, S. Hashimoto, T. Kaneko,T. Onogi, N. Yamada, "Calculation of nucleon strange quark content with dynamical overlap quarks", PoS(LATTICE2009) 141, arXiv:0910.5036[hep-lat]. H. Ohki, S. Aoki, H. Fukaya, S. Hashimoto, T. Kaneko, H. Matsufuru, J. Noaki, T. Onogi, E. Shintani, N. Yamada (for JLQCD collaboration), "Nucleon sigma term and strange quark content in 2+1-flavor QCD with dynamical overlap fermions", PoS(LATTICE2009) 124, arXiv:0910.3271[hep-lat]. JLQCD and TWQCD collaborations: J. Noaki, S. Aoki, T.W. Chiu, H. Fukaya, S. Hashimoto, T.H. Hsieh, T. Kaneko, H. Matsufuru, T. Onogi, E. Shintani and N. Yamada, "Chiral properties of light mesons with Nf = 2+1 overlap fermions", PoS(LATTICE2009) 096, arXiv:0910.5532[hep-lat]. E. Shintani, S. Aoki, H. Fukaya, S. Hashimoto, T. Onogi, N. Yamada, "Determination of αs in 2+1-flavor QCD through vacuum polarization function", PoS(LATTICE2009) 207. 2019/4/19

Group meetings September 13, 2009 @ Osaka Univ. Particle physics phenomenology Neutron electric dipolemoment B and K physics Nucleon potential and nuclear structure February 16, 2010 @ KEK Large N gauge theory Electroweak symmetry breaking 2019/4/19

1. Vacuum and hadronic propeties 2019/4/19

O(a)-improved Wilson fermion Lattice QCD Ultimata PACS-CS O(a)-improved Wilson fermion JLQCD overlap fermion “Exact chiral symmetry” “Physical point simulation” Chiral propetries of π, K Chiral condensates πmeson form factor Hadron masses Quark masses, decay constants 2019/4/19

Physical point simulation in 2+1 lattice QCD S. Aoki et al., (PACS-CS collaboration) arXiv:0911.2561[hep-lat] O(a)-improved Wilson fermion with PACS-CS and T2K Key algorithms Mass preconditioned domain decomposed HMC Reweighting technique to completely adjust the quark mass `Simulations with physical quark masses Scale setting and tuning of quark masses with 2019/4/19

Reweighting method 2019/4/19

Quark masses and decay constants Finite size effect for fpi are expected to be 4 % Nonperturbative renormalization with SF scheme (Taniguchi et al PACS-CS colllab) 2019/4/19

Hadron spectrum (below threshold) agreement with exp. within 5% “Resonant states” Naïve analysis deviate from exp as expected! Resonant states analysis in on-going. 2019/4/19

Hadron spectrum 2019/4/19

Nf=2+1 simulation with exact chiral symmetry Nf=2+1 lattice QCD with overlap fermion using KEK Blue/Gene 54 Tflops =2.30 (Iwasaki gauge action ), a=0.11 fm, 163x48、243x48 p-regime run: 5 ud quark masses in the range ms/6~ms e-regime run: ud quark mass at m=0.002 (mq ~3 MeV) s quark masses 2points Topological charge Q=0, 2 Serious test of the validity of Effective theory 2019/4/19 15

Chiral condensates in ε- and p- regime Fukaya et al. Sea quark mass dependence of Σ Prediction from ChPT Σ, F, L6 can be determined 2019/4/19

Detailed study in the quark spectral function (JLQCD 2009 arXiv:0911 p-regime Comparison of the spectral funtion from lattice QCD, L=163 x48 sea quark masses are in the the p-regime and e-regime. Fit of the shape with the pqChPT formula( ). is quite successful. e-regime 2019/4/19

Chiral behavior of Noaki et al. -expansion 2019/4/19 18

Pion form factors T. Kaneko et al Another testing ground of ChPT Vector and scalar Charge and scalar radius Calculation using the all-to-all technique. Vector form factor q2 dependence well described by a vector meson pole + corrections. 2019/4/19 19

Where are we now? What remains: Larger volume Closer to continuum 2019/4/19

2. Hadronic interactions 2019/4/19

Highlight: Helium Atom from Lattice QCD T. Yamazaki, Y. Kuramashi, and A. Ukawa, (PACS-CS collaboration) arXiv: 0912.1381 [hep-lat] Quenched QCD simulation, a=0.128 fm Study of volume dependence by L= 3.1, 6.1, 12.3 fm Significant cost reduction in Wick contraction Permutation symmetry and isospin symmetry 3He : 2,880  93 contractions 4He : 51,8400 1107 contractions Pioneering study with mπ~800 MeV 2019/4/19

Binding energy of Helium Ratio of 2-point functions 2019/4/19

Enrouraging results: Need for more studies same order as experiment Quark mass dependence Sea quark effects 2019/4/19

3. Application to particle physics 2019/4/19

Determination of the strong coupling constant SF method Taniguchi et al. Vacuum polarization Shintani et al. JLQCD 2019/4/19

Nucleon sigma term (strange quark content) Ohki et al. (spectrum), Takeda et al. (matrix element), Key parameter for WIMP dark matter detection rate Down-type Higgs Yukawa coupling Chiral perturbation theory (ChPT) + scattering exp. Data (connected+ disconnected) Trace anomaly formula (disconnected) Quark model, Lattice 2019/4/19