Email: Our Fourth Grade Classroom News The Week of August 27, 2018 Email: Twitter: @Felicia83216650 Website: Upcoming Events Reminders August 29 NHE School Council Mtg (8:30-9:30) Sept. 3 Labor Day – NO SCHOOL *Please send in coupons for the fundraiser so your child can receive their prizes! Important Information About Medicines at School: The Clinic can only give medicines brought to school by an adult for a student DO NOT send medicine to school with your child! We must receive a signed Student Health Medication Authorization Form (SHMA) for each medication Rx Medications, OTC Medications and Cough Drops must be in their original packaging - NO Medication in paper bags or plastic baggies! Medications must not have an expired date on the Rx Label or OTC packaging The clinic DOES NOT stock ANY medications to give out to students upon request. Our Learning Math: Rounding, Multi-Digit Addition Social Studies: American Revolution Reading/ELA: Inferencing/Fictional Writing Please make sure your student reads at least 25 mins each night and completes their morning work for homework. Our Learning Let’s Remember! PLEASE REVIEW THE NHE DRESS CODE POLICY. If your student is absent, please remember to send an excuse note when your student returns. *** Charge Chromebooks every night