Anna Gaughan Centre for Local Governance 26th March 2008 Delivering outcomes through partnership Leadership Development for Our Health Our Care Our Say Anna Gaughan Centre for Local Governance 26th March 2008
Overview Context Challenge Response
Context - ambition Transformation of social care and health Our Health Our Care Our Say, Putting People First, and Strong and Prosperous Communities.
Context Declining public satisfaction
Context – Drivers Demographics Public expectations Technology
Changing demographics
It’s all me, me, me…. People who are accustomed to high standards in commercial markets want the same from those services that they have even greater reason to value – healthcare, education and other public services. Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit 2007
Key political message “Need to stop talking about reform and change but start to make it happen!” “Need to know the person not the patient /user” “At the heart of this is the need for local leadership” Minister – Ivan Lewis ADASS conference Manchester 19th Nov 2007
Challenge The political imperatives Empower citizens Open up supply Foster workforce innovation Help the hardest to reach Balance rights & responsibilities
Challenge The scoping project CSIP-initiated Involved other key partners Competitive process CfLG won the work Core steering group Wider reference group
Challenge An inclusive and iterative process Initial ‘hypothesis’ Literature review - Policy review Academic challenge Key player interviews Closed Community of Interest
Challenge Key leadership challenges Joint commissioning for well-being and pathways Creating this ‘shared vision / culture’ of partnership Effective community engagement Shift from a ‘blame culture to a supportive environment’ Performance management from outputs to outcomes Creating a ‘high state of readiness’ locally for change Enabling an innovative culture to manage risk Getting to know our customers Working with Elected Members / Scrutiny Committees
Response Who is this programme for? The programme is for teams of middle managers drawn from real-life social care and health ‘economies’ around the North West region.
Response Why is it so important? The scale of transformation under way in social care and health is so challenging that it cannot be led by a handful of senior people. It requires leaders at all levels of all local public services.
Shifts in leadership thinking =The soft stuff is now the ‘hard stuff’! “Leaders with the right skills to build and maintain strong relationships with those who work with them – capturing their ‘hearts and minds’” Adapted from presentation by Professor Beverley Alimo Metcalfe – 19th Nov 2007 ADASS Conference Manchester
Engaging model of leadership PERSONAL QUALITIES & CORE VALUES Being honest & Consistent Acting with integrity MOVING FORWARD TOGETHER Building a shared vision Networking Resolving complex problems Facilitating change sensitively ENGAGAING THE ORGANISATION Supporting a developmental culture Inspiring others Focusing team effort Being decisive PERSONAL QUALITIES & CORE VALUES Being honest & Consistent Acting with integrity Presentation by Professor Beverley Alimo Metcalfe
Response What are its main features? The programme includes a regular assessment of the team’s development needs, a blend of face-to-face training workshops, a major change project, mentoring support and access to online documents and discussion spaces.
Response How will it work in practice? The programme will be organised by a CfLG programme leader together with a team of facilitators and specialist contributors. The programme leader also works with local training teams to build in-house programme capacity.
Response When will it happen? At this stage we anticipate that the programme will start in early June and will run until December 2008. There could be some preparatory visits from April onwards
Response How much will it cost? The direct costs of the programme are projected at £60,000 for each team. However the price for each pilot team will be considerably less than that. We have applied to Government for £50,000 subsidy for each pilot.
Response So what will be the impact? The programme will be evaluated systematically in a number of ways. For example, we will look to see how the change project has been delivered. We will also review the experiences of individual participants.
Response What happens next?? The direct costs of the programme are projected at £60,000 for each team. However the price for each pilot team will be considerably less than that. We have applied to Government for £50,000 subsidy for each pilot.
Our ambition! “Our hope is that those managers who get the opportunity to take part in this programme will have ‘the time of their professional lives’. In turn, the communities and people they serve should benefit greatly as a result of their individual and collective leadership. Sue Lightup, Director, Adult Social Care and Health, St Helens, ADASS NW Workforce Lead