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Design Manual and PipePac CD’s for Students Free to Hand Out at Universities Call ACPA – you will need to provide: University Name Number of Students Professor Name
Design Data DD10 Manning’s n Values History of Research
New Numbering System - Design Data Live Loads: DD1 Live Loads on Concrete Pipe (DD1) DD2 Aircraft Loads (DD15) DD3 Railroad Loads (DD16) Dead Loads: DD4 Jacking Concrete Pipe (DD13) DD5 Multiple Pipe Installation: Trench Condition (DD29) Bedding Factors: DD6 Loads and Supporting Strength: Elliptical and Arch Pipe (DD17) DD7 Transition Width (DD23) DD8 Three-Edge Bearing Strengths: Nonreinforced Concrete Pipe and Clay Pipe (DD25) DD9 Standard Installations and Indirect Design (DD40) Hydraulics: DD10 History of Manning’s n (DD2 & 14) DD11 Hydraulics of Circular Sanitary Sewers (DD4, 5, 35) DD12 Hydraulics of Circular Storm Sewers (DD4, 5, 35) DD13 Hydraulics of Arch Storm Sewers (DD4, 5, 35) DD14 Hydraulics of Elliptical Storm Sewers (DD4, 5, 37) DD15 Hydraulics of Rectangular Storm Sewers (DD4, 5, 26, 33) DD16 Hydraulics of Circular Culverts (DD3, 8, 9, 10, 11) DD17 Hydraulics of Arch Culverts (DD3, 20) DD18 Hydraulics of Elliptical Culverts (DD3, 18, 19) DD19 Hydraulics of Rectangular Culverts (DD3, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34) Miscellaneous / Installations: DD20 Precast Concrete Manholes (DD12) DD21 Curved Alignment (DD21) DD22 Flotation of Circular Pipe (DD30) DD23 Low Pressure Air Testing (DD39) DD24 Manhole Flotation (DD41)
Inexpensive Resources You Should Knows CP INFO Concrete Pipe Insights Installation Handbook
Oldies But Goodies Buried Facts 1. Fires In Sewers And Culverts 2. Culvert Durability Study- Review And Implementation 3. Hydraulic Design Considerations 4. Bid Evaluation By Least Cost Analysis 5. Structural Design Consideration 6. Extraneous Flow In Sanitary Sewers 7. Plastic Pipe Claims 8. Culvert Inspection 9. Bibliography- Pipe Material Durability SIDD Brochures ASTM Standards
Little Known - But Useful Fill-Height Tables Tullis & Barfuss Manning’s n Studies FHWA Culvert Inspection Manual