Gabriela Escobedo Pre-Kindergarten ages 3-5 Basic Shapes Gabriela Escobedo Pre-Kindergarten ages 3-5 *Draw a square, triangle and a circle on the board* Class, what shape is this? *point to each shape, receive responses from children* We have a square, a triangle and a circle! Did you know that these shapes are all around you all the time? I am going to show you what these shapes look like in real life.
Square Squares are one of the most popular shapes we will find around us. Squares have four sides and four points, lets count the sides of the pillow… now lets count the points of the pillow… When squares are not flat like pancakes, then they are called CUBES. Dice are cubes because they are not flat, and this table is has a cube shape under it. Since the top is flat, that is just called a square. Can anyone tell me what else is shaped like a square or a cube?
Triangle Triangles are a little harder to find. They have three sides and three points. We can see them when we take a walk or a drive and see signs. Signs on the street can mean a lot of things, and this one shaped like a triangle means “slow down”. Help me count the sides on the sign… now the points… There is an instrument called the triangle because it is shaped like one, can you guess what noise it makes? When triangles are not flat like pancakes, we call them PYRAMIDS. This word is a little bit hard to say, try it out *class repeats* We can find triangles in the form of pyramids on top of houses. Rooftops on houses are shaped like pyramids. Can anyone else tell me what is shaped like a triangle or pyramid?
Circle Circles are the most fun to find, and are almost everywhere, you just have to look very closely. They do not have any sides or any points, and that makes them different from all the other shapes. This cd is in the form of a circle! See, no sides, and no pointy parts. This button is a circle too! Check your clothes to see if you have any buttons (point out if anyone has a button in a shape of anything other than a circle). Now, when circles are not flat like pancakes, they are called SPHERES. Can you say spheres? (allow children to get a hang of the “sf” sound) This globe is in the shape of a sphere! Can anyone else tell me what is shaped like a circle, or a sphere?
Citations Picture of dice Picture of table Picture of pillow Picture of yield sign Picture of triangle instrument Picture of drawn house Picture of cd Picture of button Picture of globe