PRESENTER: Entrinsik, Inc. 2012 Copyright Entrinsik, Inc.
Background Informer extends self-service reporting and analysis capabilities to technical AND business users without the need to set up and manage a separate data store! Introduced in 2000, Informer boasts tens of thousands of users worldwide Customers include IBM, BB&T, USAA Over 20 Partners delivering Informer alongside or within their industry software Informer users across various industries… Municipalities Professional training Police departments Auto-clubs Manufacturing Trade associations Distribution Insurance agencies Higher education IT Consultants & SPs
Real-time access to multiple data sources has never been easier! Informer provides controlled, secure information access from multiple systems, platforms, or locations Single interface to your data eliminates data silo constraints
Web-based interface All modern browsers Anytime, anywhere access Easy to navigate, use Modern Web 2.0 interface Drag and drop Intelligent auto-complete Dynamic grouping & sorting Quick & easy implementation
Fast direct access to files Native connection to multiple SQL & MV databases with single point of access Speed approximates Select command Uses native query commands & aggressive caching to accelerate data retrieval and provide flexible, rapid data manipulation
Controlled user security and access Pluggable security model providing integration with LDAP, Active Directory, and potentially any 3rd party user repository User & Group control and access Granular access controlled to data table and data element User-based row security
Report archiving and scheduling Once, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, or custom Scheduled alerts Applied security Trend analysis
Business Intelligence Analytics & Charting Ad-hoc Pivot Table analytics & multidimensional charting Drag and drop dynamic grouping with detail drill down Calculated columns Template columns
Informer Demo
New in 4.3: DASHBOARDS
Plugin driven custom data providers A Dashboard Data Providers Informer Reports Google Spreadsheets Native Queries Analytics Plugin driven custom data providers Visualizations Gauges Charts Heat Maps Trend Analysis Plugin driven custom visualizations
Data could come from an Informer report… Data Provider Pie Chart sends data to sends data to
Or it could come from some other source… Google Spreadsheet Data Provider Bar Chart sends data to sends data to This comes from the Internet. It does not tie into any Informer data source!
Chaining Data Providers Another Data Provider Report Data Provider Analytics Data Table sends data to sends data to Visualization Gets data from an Informer report
A Visualization A filter Chaining Property Filters A filter Data Provider Property Filter Pie Chart sends data to sends data to …then filter on a country within that continent …show only that country Filter on Continent
All in Perfect Harmony Data Providers Visualizations Filters
Informer Dashboard Demo
Let’s discuss how Informer can work within your organization: Phone: 888-703-0016 Email: Web: