Fig. 7. ApoMSCs exert immunosuppressive activity in GvHD and elicit IDO in engulfing recipient phagocytes. ApoMSCs exert immunosuppressive activity in GvHD and elicit IDO in engulfing recipient phagocytes. (A to D) The percentage of GvHD effector cells was assessed in the lymphocyte gate in the spleen (A and C) and lungs (B and D) of GvHD mice (black circles) and those treated with apoMSCs (black squares). ApoMSCs were infused intraperitoneally (ip; GvHD mice, n = 10; GvHD + apoMSCs mice, n = 8) (A and B), or intravenously (iv; GvHD mice, n = 9; GvHD + apoMSCs mice n = 7) (C and D). Results represent the mean ± SD of three independent experiments. Statistics: unpaired t test (*P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01). (E to K) MSCs were labeled using CellTrace Violet and subjected to apoptosis induction using GrB/anti-FAS (5 and 10 μg/ml, respectively). ApoMSCs were injected intraperitoneally (E, F, and J) or intravenously (G to I and K) into GvHD mice 3 days after the transplant. After 2 hours, animals were sacrificed, and mesenteric lymph nodes (LN) (E, F, and J) or lungs (G to I and K) were harvested. Cells engulfing apoMSCs were identified as Violet+ cells within the CD11b+ (E), CD11c+ (F), CD11bhighCD11cint (G), CD11c+CD11b− (H), and CD11bhighCD11c− (I) subpopulations. The corresponding subpopulations were gated in GvHD mice, which had not received Violet-labeled apoMSCs and used as controls. IDO expression was assessed in CD11c+ and CD11b+ (J) or CD11bhighCD11cint, CD11c+CD11b−, and CD11bhighCD11c− (K) cells positive for CellTrace Violet (engulfing apoMSCs) and compared with the corresponding populations in GvHD mice that had not received apoMSCs. Data are representative of similar results obtained from three mice in two independent experiments. Antonio Galleu et al., Sci Transl Med 2017;9:eaam7828 Published by AAAS