Elements By:
Elements On the next slide you will connect the image with the definition. When you have completed this delete this slide.
Elements of Design Line Shape Form Color Value Texture The 3-Dimensional shape or design that can be organic or geometric. Can be implied or tactile (visual or real to touch). A two dimensional shape or design can be organic or geometric. Creates a feeling of movement by moving your eye from one point to another. Lightness or darkness of an object Hues and their tints and shades.
Connect the picture that emphasizes the given element. On the next slide you match the image with the element that is being displayed the strongest. When you completed this task you will delete this slide.
Elements Line Shape Form Color Value Texture
Balance Place the examples of art that have balanced the elements and match the element that is being balanced. Symmetrical: visual weight is equal Asymmetrical: visual weight is unequal When you completed this task you will delete this slide.
Balance Symmetrical Asymmetrical Line Form Shape Color
Movement The images on the next slide show movement because of an element. You are to select the element that causes the feeling of movement. Delete the elements not causing movement. explain why you believe it. (Add a text box to add your reasoning.) When you are finished you are to delete this slide.
Movement Line Shape Form Texture Color
Movement Line Shape Form Color Texture Value
Movement Line Shape Form Color Texture Value
Pattern The images on the next slide show Pattern because of an element. You are to select the element that causes the feeling of Patterning/ Repetition. Delete the elements not causing Pattern. Hint: These seem similar to Movement because patterning can often give a feeling of movement if it moves along a line. explain why you believe it. (Add a text box to add your reasoning.) When you are finished you are to delete this slide.
Patterning/ Repetition Line Shape Form Color Texture Value
Repetition/ Patterning Line Shape Form Color Texture Value
Repetition/ Pattern Line Shape Form Color Texture Value
Variety Variety is when there are several different examples of an element. Select the element(s) that are creating a sense of variety in the next slides. Delete the elements not causing Variety. Hint: These seem similar to Movement because patterning can often give a feeling of movement if it moves along a line. explain why you believe it. (Add a text box to add your reasoning.) When you are finished you are to delete this slide.
Variety Line Shape Form Color Texture Value
Variety Line Shape Form Color Texture Value
Variety Line Shape Form Color Texture Value