Exchange of staff Eurostat, HRM unit A2 ESS RDG 2014 Item 7 ESS RDG 13 June 2014
Outline Background Types of staff exchange: a) at Eurostat b) outside Eurostat for Eurostat staff ESS RDG 13 June 2014
Background Long tradition in co-operation within the ESS Long-term aim of the ESS Vision 2020: creation of multinational labour forces through pooling and sharing of human resources ESS RDG 13 June 2014
Types of staff exchange Secondments and traineeships in Eurostat 1) Seconded national experts (SNE) 2) National experts in professional training (NEPT) 3) Co-operation programmes (IPA) 4) "Erasmus for officials" Secondment possibilities for Eurostat's staff a) in the interest of the service b) at own request c) to/from the UN ESS RDG 13 June 2014
A. Secondments and traineeships in Eurostat ESS RDG 13 June 2014
1. Seconded national experts (SNE) Come from an NSI or a national, regional or local public administration Usually from the MSs but also from EFTA, EEA, third countries Bring to Eurostat: specialised expertise Take from Eurostat: knowledge of European issues Task is to assist Eurostat officials Continue to be engaged and paid by their employer Length of assignment: 2-4 years (6 in exceptional cases) In 2014, 68 SNEs in Eurostat (in 2009-2014: 134) ESS RDG 13 June 2014
Number of active SNEs in 2009-2014 by nationality ESS RDG 13 June 2014
Fields of work of SNEs - per current Eurostat directorate - ESS RDG 13 June 2014
Change of statutory link after being an SNE (changes in 2009-2014) ESS RDG 13 June 2014
2. National experts in professional training (NEPT) In-service training for national, regional or local civil servants in European affairs Length of assignment: 3-5 months Selection twice a year at national level Continue to be employed and paid by their organisation In 2014 3 NEPTs in Eurostat (Italy, Austria, UK) ESS RDG 13 June 2014
3. Co-operation programmes Traineeships for statisticians from IPA countries Financed by special statistical co-operation programmes Internal call for interest in Eurostat twice a year for host units NSIs of countries concerned make the selection Length: 5 months In 2014 total of 20 IPA trainees in Eurostat ESS RDG 13 June 2014
Number of IPA trainees in Eurostat in 2009-2014 by nationality ESS RDG 13 June 2014
NSIs in MS hosting IPA trainees in 2009-2014 ESS RDG 13 June 2014
4. "Erasmus for officials" Short-term traineeships for newly recruited staff within national public administrations Aim to strengthen knowledge of the EU Institutions and policies Candidates are proposed by national Permanent Representations ESS RDG 13 June 2014
B. Secondment possibilities for Eurostat's staff ESS RDG 13 June 2014
1. Secondment in the interest of service Reserved for EU officials To another EU Institution, an agency, a national or international body or to a body devoted to furthering the EU's interests Career of the official continues in the parent organisation Length varies depending on each case ESS RDG 13 June 2014
2. Secondment at own request Reserved for EU officials To another EU Institution or to a body devoted to furthering the EU's interests Career of the official continues in a limited way at the parent organisation Official is paid by the host organisation ESS RDG 13 June 2014
3. Secondment to/from the UN Since 2006 formalised co-operation between the UN and the Commission; officially launched in 2009 Statistics specified as one area of staff exchange Aim is to exchange expertise, to better coordinate the global statistical system and to improve communication Short-term exchanges 2 exchanges in 2011, 3 exchanges in 2013/2014, re-launch foreseen in 2014/2015 ESS RDG 13 June 2014