Gastrointestinal Exam
Introduction Hell my name is… Explanation of what you want to do Patient position – supine at 45° Any pain??
End of the bed General appearance Oxygen, drips, catheters, medications, drains Nutritional status / cachexia
Hands and nails Tendon xanthoma Dupuytren’s contracture Palmar erythema Clubbing Leuconychia Koilonychia Flapping tremor Bruising IVDU marks
Face Moon face Plethora Acne Hirsute Parotid enlargement Scleral icterus Corneal arcus Xanthelasma Episcleritis / conjunctivitis Conjunctival pallor Angular stomatits Oral candidisis Neck lymph nodes
Chest and back Gynaecomastia Loss of secondary sexual hair Spider naevi
Inspection Abdominal distension Caput medusa Scars
Palpation (and a little percussion) Light and deep Liver Spleen Kidneys AAA Percus for shifting dullness
Auscultation Bowel sounds Renal bruits
Legs Peripheral oedema Pyoderma gangrenosum Erythema nodosum
Conclusion Allow the patient to re-dress Wash hands Summaries your findings “To complete this examination I would also like to examine the patients groins, genitalia and perform a PR”