2 / 49 Growth in word reading ability of children who begin first grade in the bottom 20% in Phonemic Awareness and Phonics (Torgesen & Mathes, 2000) 5.7 Reading Grade Level This indicates that if students do not master phonics by first grade, they get further behind each year as the achievement gap increases. 3.5 This graph shows the effects on the growth of their “sight word” vocabulary. The chlidren who started with weaknesses in PA and letter knowledge did not grow as fast as the other children in learning to read words accurately. The measure was Word ID from the Woodcock Reading Mastery Test Average Low Grade level corresponding to age
National Education Goals Panel , 1990
Kindergarten Readiness State: New York County: Staten Island School: PS 35 Clove Valley School Grades Served K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, SE Race & Ethnicity: Hispanic 19% Black 11% Asian 9% White 57% ELL’s 3% Special Needs 20% Free or Reduced Price Lunch: 46% 100% 100% Kindergarten Readiness PS 35 (Staten Island) after 100 days of usage 32%