Morning Worship 11 January 2019 Driving ambition.


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Presentation transcript:

Morning Worship 11 January 2019 Driving ambition

Share words of welcome … As you start the day, greet each other. Bible verse for today … He did this because Daniel, whom the king called Belteshazzar, was found to have a keen mind and knowledge and understanding, and also the ability to interpret dreams, explain riddles and solve difficult problems. Call for Daniel, and he will tell you what the writing means. Daniel, chapter 5, verse 12 News … This clip shows a potential solution to city traffic congestion (or does it?)

Debate Some of the world’s greatest inventions were regarded as non-starters in the early days of their development. What do you think are possible solutions to future road traffic solutions (less private cars and better public transport maybe?)?

A prayer to take with you … Stop – time to reflect … Stop for a minute – think about the debate that you have shared. Think about your response. A prayer to take with you … Heavenly Father, We give thanks for the ability and freedom we have to travel. May our journeys be purposeful and fruitful, to the glory of your kingdom. Amen Share words of encouragement … Before you leave offer each other encouragement for the day ahead.