Scheduling Presentation for the Seneca Valley Scheduling Presentation for the 2019-2020 school year Presented by the IHS Guidance Department
Intermediate High School Seneca Valley Intermediate High School Administration Dr. Delp Principal Ms. Mazer Assistant Principal Mr. Leggett Assistant Principal Mrs. Brooks Dean of Students Mrs. Manganello Cyber Principal
Intermediate High School Seneca Valley Intermediate High School School Counselors Mrs. Graham Students A-G Mr. Del Prete Students H-O Ms. Calder Students P-Z Mrs. Ramirez-Lightner College and Career Counselor Mrs. Gaguzis Secretary
Scheduling Materials The Program of Studies is available online at (select Academics, then Program of Studies, then Grades 9-12). Courses can be viewed by plan, list, or catalog. It is also available on the grade page in the portal. Course registration is available through your Seneca Valley portal at (in Gradebook, access course registration at bottom right corner of page). This scheduling presentation is available at (select IHS, then Guidance).
Credits Every class you take at Seneca Valley has a specific credit value. Semester course .5 credit Full year course 1.0 credit Full year course with lab 1.4 credit To earn credit, you must pass the class with a 60% “D” or higher (final average).
Seneca Valley Graduation Requirements 24 Credits English 4.0 credits Social Studies 4.0 credits Math 4.0 credits Science 2.0 credits STEM (grades 10-12) 1.0 credit Physical Education 2.0 credits Health 0.5 credit Arts/Humanities 2.0 credits Electives 4.5 credits
Graduation Requirements Keystone Exams Students must attain a score of Advanced or Proficient on the Biology, Algebra 1, and Literature end of course exams as per district and state requirements.
Remember…. To graduate from Seneca Valley, you must earn 24 credits. To become a sophomore…4 credits To become a junior……..10 credits To become a senior……..16 credits
Academically Advanced Courses In the Program of Studies Weighted Courses AP (0.08 weight) CHS (0.06 weight) Honors (0.04 weight) Weight is an add-on to the base GPA and is capped at 0.26 for grade 9. A report card grade of 70 or above must be earned in order to earn weight.
9th Grade English English 9 Honors English 9 (requires a 90% or better in English 8 or an 80% in Honors English 8, teacher recommendation and successful completion of summer reading and writing assignments) Teacher recommendations will be included in the online registration form.
9th Grade Social Studies U.S. History 1 (1776-1860) U.S. History 2 (1860-1914) Honors U.S. History 1 (1776-1860) Honors U.S. History 2 (1860-1914) The prerequisites for Honors History are a 90% in 8th grade Social Studies and recommendations from the current Social Studies and English teachers.
Math Algebra 1 A Algebra 1 B Algebra 1 Principles of Geometry Geometry Honors Geometry Principles of Algebra 2 Algebra 2 Honors Algebra 2 The recommended math sequence is in the Program of Studies.
9th Grade Science Biology (1.4 credits) Honors Biology (1.4 credits) Requires a 90% or better in Integrated Science and teacher recommendation.
Physical Education Physical Education (scheduled 3 days one semester and 2 days the other opposite lab) Personal Physical Fitness (scheduled 5 days, one semester) Advanced Physical Education (scheduled 5 days, one semester) Cyber Physical Education (one semester) Cyber P.E. 9 (online coursework and 30 outside hours) P.E./Dance (online coursework and SV dance course) P.E./Gymnastics (online coursework and SV gymnastics course) JROTC/P.E. (full year class)
What electives should I take? Elective courses help discover areas of interest for future electives, hobbies, and careers. The Program of Studies shows the relation between the 16 national career clusters and Seneca Valley courses. See your current counselor for further help in determining your future options.
Elective Areas Applied Engineering and Technology Business Technology English Family and Consumer Science Fine Arts JROTC Math—Computer Science Science Social Studies
Performing Arts Electives Dance Gymnastics Music-Instrumental Music-Vocal Theatre
World Language World language is often needed for college admission. Most colleges require 2-3 years of the same language on the high school transcript. Colleges often consider the 8th grade world language toward their entrance requirements. Language taken in grade 8 will be reflected on an SV transcript. Honors level courses in World Language are available. Please consult your current teacher and the Program of Studies for prerequisites.
Study Halls On site tutoring with math faculty Time to complete homework Make up missed assignments from absences Use of the i-HUB facility
SV Academy of Choice Students may enroll in cyber courses that provide credit towards graduation and are calculated into GPA. Students may be enrolled : Courses are available as : Full-time onsite Cyber only Full-time at home Cyber Blended only Supplement to traditional classes Cyber or Cyber Blended Note: Some cyber courses require completion of previous cyber course. Read prerequisites carefully.
Cyber Registration Process: * For courses taken during the 2019-20 school year: 1. Prior to or on February 5, 2019: Select course in portal; designate cyber in dropdown menu 2. February 6 – June 7, 2019*: Complete add/drop form 3. After June 8, 2019* Complete online cyber application For courses taken Summer, 2019: Complete online cyber SUMMER application* (available starting January 30)
Collegiate sports eligibility Register online with NCAA sophomore year for Division I or II Specific guidelines for GPA, college entrance exams, and core course requirements. SV Athletic Department presentation in the fall for more information
Reminders Pay close attention to the descriptions in the Program of Studies (course numbers, prerequisites, length, grade level). The course listing contains a comprehensive list of all classes offered for the 2019-2020 school year. Don’t forget to select substitute courses on your portal Recommendations or auditions needed: core academic areas, 2nd and 3rd year of a world language, some performing arts courses Most students will register for approximately 7 credits.
Total credits: What does that mean? 6.0 credits: 10 study halls/week for all year 6.4 credits: 8 study halls/week for all year 6.5 credits: 10 study halls/week for half year; 5 study halls/week for half year 6.9 credits: 5 study halls/week for half year; 6 study halls/week for half year 7.0 credits: 5 study halls/week for all year 7.4 credits: 3 study halls/week for all year 7.5 credits: 5 study halls/week for half year; 0 study halls for other half year 7.9 credits: 1 study hall/week for half year; 0 study halls for other half year 8.0 credits: No study halls More than 8 credits: No study halls; additional cyber courses
Ninth Grade Registration Window Students will be entering their course selections into the computer from Monday, January 28 through Tuesday, February 5, 2019. Instructional video for course request portal completion will be shown in homeroom on Monday, January 28. Video will be posted on guidance website. IHS Counselors available during RGMS lunches on Thursday, January 31 and Friday, February 1. Online registration explanation:
Schedule Changes Course request changes can be made through the end of this school year (June 7, 2019). Teachers may make recommendation changes based on student performance during the second semester of this school year. A drop/add period at the beginning of the next school year is allotted.
What’s next? Tonight: Follow @SVIHScounselors on twitter or Instagram Spring 2019: Course selections/verifications available for viewing on SV portal August 2019: Schedules available August 2019: Welcome to 9th grade!
Thank you!