Bell ringers Sept. 6-14 Honors/DE
Summarize the following terms: Renaissance Edict of Nantes Humanism BR #1: Thursday, Sept. 6 Summarize the following terms: Renaissance Edict of Nantes Humanism Millenarianism
List AND describe 3 themes of the Renaissance. BR #2: Friday, Sept. 7 How was the Northern renaissance different from the Italian Renaissance? List AND describe 3 themes of the Renaissance.
Summarize the peasant’s revolt and the Peace of Augsburg. BR #3: Monday, Sept. 10 Describe the sale of indulgences and how it led Luther to split with the Church. Summarize the peasant’s revolt and the Peace of Augsburg.
What was the priesthood of all believers? BR #4: Tuesday, Sept. 11 What was the priesthood of all believers? Describe one early reformer before Luther. What event occurred today in US history? What was its lasting impact?
BR #5: Thursday, Sept. 13 Describe England’s relationship with the papacy. Why was it surprising to many that Henry VIII broke from the Catholic Church? Why would the Pope not grant Henry VIII his annulment?
What was the Kings great matter? BR #6: Friday, Sept. 14 What was the Kings great matter? What was the Act of Supremacy and why was it a big deal? Describe the Church of England under Mary I and Edward VI. Before turning in: Please put the following in the upper RIGHT-hand corner of your paper: First and last name Class period Date Once complete, please turn in all 6 bell ringers for this week.