Electronic IRB Application and Review Project LEADMe Electronic IRB Application and Review Project Erika Blossom, CRM Region VI Mentee
Personal Best Leadership Project From To Electronic IRB Application and Review
Model the Way Watch and Learn Introduce Self Present past success
Asked the committee if they were interested in an electronic system Shared Vision Asked the committee if they were interested in an electronic system Let them decide for themselves if such a vision excited them Reached a common vision
Address comfort of paper Challenge the Process Address comfort of paper Challenge the status quo of processes on campus Plan for small steps towards the larger goal
Divide major tasks into subcommittees Enabling Others Divide major tasks into subcommittees Involve full committee each major step of the way to make sure all feel involved and included
Acknowledge and thank contributors at each milestone Encourage the Heart Acknowledge and thank contributors at each milestone Plan to celebrate at project conclusion
Lessons Learned Plan Ahead Revisit and plan more Follow-up
Giving Back Volunteering Networking Presenting