THE COLONIES: AN OVERVIEW The who, what, where, when, why and the how of it all
What is a colony? A settlement by a group of people in a distant region/land. Governed by their home country The colony has some decision making power. Usually, the home country makes important decisions……government & economy.
Colonial Empire A group of colonies controlled by the same home country. Ex. Spain - much of Central and South America (looking for gold) France - Canada and North America (animal pelts etc.) England - Atlantic coast of N.A.
Push Factors Economic problems Hunger & Poverty Homelessness Freedoms Overcrowded cities Loss of farm lands Lack of opportunity
Pull Factors Reports of thick forests w/ game, streams w/fish, rich soil and plenty of land. Economic off debts etc…. Slavery
When??? Virginia - 1587 Roanoke Island…Croatoan… The Lost colony Jamestown, Virginia - 1607 Plymouth, Massachusetts - The Pilgrims - 1620
WHY? King wants land & $ Joint stock companies create charter colonies (Jamestown)
Why cont’d. Religious freedom/Pilgrims/Puritans Protestant Reformation Anglican Church/Church of England
Economic Responsibilities to England Colonies are meant to serve England
Or better yet….Triangular Trade
Economic Responsibilities to Spain The Columbian Exchange
Farms & Cities Most were farmers Colonial cities were small but important as trade centers Cities brought in goods the colony needed and sold what the colony produced Mills, factories & Iron making in cities to produce for goods/trade Artisans - make shoes, furniture, silverware, tools etc. Cities near water for transportation Taverns - hotel/restaurant/bar & source of news etc.
Colonial Life Family..most important…14 people? Source of labor Death rate high Marry 2 or 3 times Women had little rights and rarely owned property
Indentured Servant GET Trip paid to America Food/lodging Possibly learn a trade Free at end of contract Give Signed 7-10 year contract •Work to pay off trip etc.
Indentured Servant Couldn’t pay their way to the New World Some Africans & many poor Europeans Look for a way to improve their life Could be taken advantage of Many did not survive
Colonial Government King Parliament – The law making group for England and it’s colonies.
Government continued Governor - picked by King to run colony on behalf of King Colonial Assemblies …became powerful and made up of colonists City/Local Who could vote? White men over 21 that owned property!!!
Salutary Neglect In the early 1700’s England was involved in wars & conflicts Until 1763 England didn’t enforce trade regulations….ignored as long as money was being made Colonies start to feel secure and on their own…independent? Each colony starts to act on it’s own
Slavery Property - treated that way too! For life Bought/sold at anytime/reason Punishment & Survival