Help your child plan their future - Information for parents Robyn Calderwood Careers Advisor Stewarton Academy Advisers to add their name and date of presentation
Skills Development Scotland (SDS) SDS is the national skills body supporting people and businesses to develop and apply their skills we work in partnership to enable people to reach their potential we support people to develop effective career management skills developing effective career management skills will enable people to make informed career choices throughout their life. Introduce the work of SDS Advisers can personalise the delivery with details of the partnership working in their school
Career Management Skills Self: who you are/your personality Strengths: what you’re good at Horizons: what’s out there for you Networks: who can help you get it.
Skills Employers want by 2020 Complex Problem Solving Critical thinking Creativity People Management Co-ordinating with Others Emotional Intelligence Judgement and Decision making Service Orientation Negotiation Cognitive Flexibility In their 2016 report ‘The Future of Jobs’, the World Economic Forum highlighted anticipated changes in employability skills and suggested that by 2020 over one third of the skills considered important in today’s workforce will have changed. Notably, creativity will have become one of the top three skills needed to deal with the avalanche of new products, new technologies and new ways of working.
Post-school choices foundation apprenticeship further education further training higher education modern apprenticeship employment. There are many and varied routes into work for young people; including Modern Apprenticeships, college, university or further training
My World of Work is Scotland’s careers information and advice web service it can support you as a parent / carer for careers advice and information, as well as helping you help your child your child will be introduced to My World of Work in school and will be supported to set up their individual user account. This will give them access to a wealth of career information, resources and tools. Opportunity to mention our website My World of Work – - and the fact that they will use it to progress through school and beyond.
Subject Choice – do’s and don’ts Discuss with pupils and ask if they can identify anymore Do’s: Follow your strengths Pick subjects you enjoy and are good at Consider where you would like to be Keep your options open Talk to people Don’ts: Choose a subject just because you like the teacher Listen to peer pressure and choose the subject because your friends are choosing it Let others choose for you – it’s your future Go in blind and choose a subject - take the time and do some research Be afraid to ask questions - no question is a silly question! Skills Development Scotland
Helping you to help your child Online: Face-to-face: Visit an SDS careers centre to talk to an Adviser. Visit to find your nearest centre Telephone: Call us to free speak to an Adviser on 0800 917 8000
Useful resources Produced in partnership with National Parent Forum Scotland, and written by parents for parents, this guide to Career Education in Scotland sets out the opportunities your child will have and details SDS’ input at each school year. Download it at: Produced in partnership with National Parent Forum Scotland, and written by parents for parents, this guide to Career Education in Scotland sets out the opportunities your child will have and details SDS’ input at each school year. Download it at:
Follow us! Twitter: @stewac_careers Facebook: SDS East Ayrshire Conclude presentation by highlighting SDS’ presence on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube By following SDS on social media sites parents can keep up to date with information, events and key application dates