讓價值流『精實』 消除浪費
節拍時間 Takt time
Flow 服務業: 單一窗口
SUPERMARKET: PULL SYSTEM CSUN - Prof. David Shternberg MSE595LM - Lean Manufacturing SUPERMARKET: PULL SYSTEM 服務業: 小批次處理、 巡迴服務 PURPOSE: Controls production at supplying process without trying to schedule. Controls production between flows Supplying Process A Customer B PRODUCT Supermarket Production KANBAN Withdrawal KANBAN 1) CUSTOMER WITHDRAWAL Kanbans trigger the movement of parts PRODUCTION Kanbans trigger the production of parts. NOTE: The withdrawal kanban resides in the “process cell” and is given to the supermarket. The production Kanban resides in the supermarket and is given to the next upstream production process.
Supermarket 相關符號
Schedule Only One Point: 基準節拍工程 CSUN - Prof. David Shternberg MSE595LM - Lean Manufacturing Schedule Only One Point: 基準節拍工程 If pull systems schedule upstream process we can try to schedule only one point in the value stream - Pacemaker No supermarkets downstream of the schedule point (except finished goods) schedule schedule