Keeping EL & Migrant Students in School Step 1- Make a call home for any student missing 5 days of school in a row, or who has a serious attendance problem. Go on If student is not planning on coming back to school schedule an exit interview. Invite counselor to interview. Stop If successful, send email to teachers asking for help getting student caught up and back on track to pass classes. Continue to check with student and teachers weekly for 4 weeks. Step 2- Try to find out the barriers to the student staying in school. Why is he or she considering dropping out? To the extent possible, find solutions to these barriers with parents and the counselor. Go on If not successful, move to step 3. Stop If successful, assist student in registering for new school. Step 3- District Alternative School Online public School HEP Program (Migrant) CTE or Trade School Adult Job Training Program Discuss alternatives to dropping out. Go on If not successful, move to step 4. Step 4- Since time sometimes changes the student’s perspective, remind student and parents we are here to help in any way to get him or her back into education, not just our school. Call student once per month for the remainder of the school year. Migrant Case Manager or Family Liaison