Frequency distribution of the effect size measure (ESM) of sperm protein spots of type-1 diabetic (A), type-2 diabetic (B) and non-diabetic obese (C) patients. Frequency distribution of the effect size measure (ESM) of sperm protein spots of type-1 diabetic (A), type-2 diabetic (B) and non-diabetic obese (C) patients. ESM values were calculated according to equation (1) as described in the Experimental Procedures section for a total number of 3187 protein spots. The full bars in panels A–C visualize the fraction of protein spots that exhibit ESM values which are equal to or higher than the lowest ESM value of the constituents of the corresponding semenogelin-1 (SEMG1)/clusterin (CLU)/lactotransferrin (LTF) “quadruplet” (spots 3042, 1353, and 244/247) in the respective pathological situation (Tables II–IV). These high-ESM proteins spots represent 2.5% (type-1 diabetes, panel A), 9.7% (type-2 diabetes, panel B), and 6.9% (obesity, panel C) of the total number of protein spots. Uwe Paasch et al. Mol Cell Proteomics 2011;10:M110.007187 © 2011 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.