The Needs Moderate Communication Program Is……….
designed for students who are identified with a Communication Exceptionality (i.e. Autism Spectrum Disorder, Learning Disability or Language Impairment). It is…..
A 7 Year Alternative Program It is a uniquely designed modified and/or alternative program for at least 50% of the school day with integration that occurs within a regular class for at least one instructional period daily. Students are placed in this special education class through the IPRC process
Upon completion of the Needs Moderate Communication Program The students earn……………………………..
A Certificate Students may be able to receive the Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC) upon completion of a minimum of 14 credits. Or A Certificate of Accomplishment will be granted when a student has successfully completed the 7 year program without fulfilling the requirements for the Ontario Secondary School Certificate
The overall objective of the program is to nurture and to foster a learning environment where students can acquire knowledge in various areas and develop the skills necessary to apply this knowledge to appropriate areas of their lives.
Some of the programming offered to our Needs Moderate Communication Students as appropriate are…. The development of basic literacy and mathematical literacy skills The development of the skills necessary for appropriate social interaction with others The development of independence, self-confidence, and self-discipline in daily living
Continued……… The development of the skills necessary for successful transition to the working community The development of independent and interdependent living skills