Welcome to the World You are about to take a ride through the seven continents. What are you waiting for? Jump on board! C C C
Africa What do their homes look like? What are their favorite sports? There are 54 countries in Africa. The world’s biggest frog comes from Cameroon. It is over one foot long. Four of the five fastest land animals live in Africa. The cheetah is the fastest and can run at 60 mph. What do their homes look like? What are their favorite sports? What types of animals are there? What is it like in Africa? Let’s look at the real thing! There are 54 countries in Africa. The world’s biggest frog comes from Cameroon. It is over one foot long. Four of the five fastest land animals live in Africa. The cheetah is the fastest and can run at 60 mph. What do their homes look like? What are their favorite sports? What types of animals are there? What is it like in Africa? Let’s look at the real thing!
Antarctica What do their homes look like? The South Pole is found in Antarctica. Because it experiences such little rain, Antarctica is considered a desert. Around 90% of the ice on Earth is found in Antarctica. What do their homes look like? What types of animals are there? What is it like in Antarctica? Let’s look at the real thing!
Our next stop is, Asia What do their homes look like? Asia is the BIGGEST continent! There are 52 countries in Asia. The land area of Asia is larger than the land area of the moon Asia is 5,300 miles wide Asia is home to the highest (Mt. Everest, 8,848m) and lowest (Dead Sea, -395m) points on Earth What do their homes look like? What are their favorite sports? What types of animals are there? What is it like in Asia? Let’s look at the real thing!
Australia What do their homes look like? What are their favorite sports? What types of animals are there? What is it like in Australia?
europe What do their homes look like? What are their hobbies? What kind of food do they eat? What types of animals are there? What does it look like there?
North America What do their homes look like? What are their hobbies? What kind of food do they eat? What types of animals are there? What does it look like there?
South america What do their homes look like? What are their hobbies? What kind of food do they eat? What types of animals are there? What does it look like there?
http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_some_interesting_facts_about_Asia http://hikebiketravel.com/6526/10-weird-wonderful-facts-africa/ http://www.our-africa.org/democratic-republic-of-congo http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/thelife/news/story?id=5761185
Name: Candace Stanley Lesson Plan _____________________________________ Cooperating teacher’s signature / date Date: April 25, 2013 Subject: Social StudiesB. Grade level/age: Second/7-8Topic/Title: Seven ContinentsTime Frame: 60 minutes Grade Level Expectation(s). Elements of Geographical Study and Analysis. 5. Knowledge of major elements of geographical study and analysis (such as location, place, movement and regions) and their relationship to changes in society and the environment. Concepts. B. Understanding the concept of location to make predictions and solve problems. Identify and locate the world’s seven continents and four oceans. Student learning objective/s: The students will be able to identify the seven continents. The students will complete the E-Sheet. The students will also recite what they have learned. Materials: E-Sheet, blank sheets of white paper, internet, Seven Continent field trip, and a globe. Sources: Depth of Knowledge (DOK): check 1. recall _X___ 2. skill/concept _X____ 3. strategic thinking ______ 4. extended thinking _______ THE LESSON: Opening: Show the class globe of the world. Ask the students if they know what it is (wait for response). Ask the students if they would like to see the whole world in one day (wait for responses). Ask them where they would like to go (wait for responses). Have a class discussion about all of the places people could visit and describe your dream vacation. Explanation: Step 1: On the smart board, open the Seven Continent smart notebook.Step 2: Explain to the students that they are about to take a trip. A trip around the world. Also, tell the students that they are to click on each picture to learn more about the continent.Step 3: Give each student an E-Sheet containing questions that should be answered throughout their trip.Step 4: The students should begin their adventure on the Welcome page. At the bottom of the page is an airplane. The students are to click on the plane to listen to the Seven Continent song.Step 5: Next, the students will be flying to Asia by clicking on the next page.Step 6: On the Asia page, the students will learn about one food item, animals, and the shape of the continent.Step 7: Once the students have finished, they are off to Africa by clicking on the next page.Step 8: In Africa, the students will learn about one unique food item, the animals there and the shape of the continent.Step 9: Be certain to remind the students to remember to complete their E-Sheet as they are traveling.Step 10: Their next stop is North America by clicking on the next page. There the students will learn about a unique food, the Bald Eagle, and what the continent looks like.Step 11: Then they are off to South America. There they will also be learning about a unique food, an animal, and what the continent looks like. Step 12: Next, the students will fly to Australia. In Australia, they will learn about a unique food item, the animals there, and what it looks like.Step 13: Then it is down to Antarctica. There the students will learn about a unique food item, the animals, and what the continent looks like.Step 14: The last stop that the students will be taking is in Europe. There they will learn about a unique food item, animals, and what the continent looks like.Step 15: After the students have finished exploring each continent, the last page on their trip will be an interactive map where the students will place the continents in their appropriate place.Step 16: Once the students are finished, collect the completed E-Sheets from each student. Evaluation: By teacher: Evaluate students understanding during the activity. Walk among the students to ensure that they are on task. Collect the completed E-Sheet from each student.Student self-evaluation of own learning: Have a class discussion on this lesson. On a blank sheet of paper, have the students write a short sentence explaining their favorite part of their trip. On the same paper, have the students to draw a happy face if they understood what they learned or a frown face if they are unsure.Closing: Ask the students if they enjoyed their trip (wait for response). Have a class discussion about all the places that were visited. Encourage the students to describe their favorite continent. After a thorough conversation, have the students orally list the seven continents. After all seven have been named, thank the students for their great work and participation. Differentiated Instruction PARTICULARs: Allow students to respond accordingly to show they are participating in the classroom discussion about the seven continents. Adjust the rate of the lesson to slow the lesson down, or speed it up to adjust for time constraints. Assist students who need one-on-one assistance. If a student is having difficulty, allow the student to pair with another class member. Lengthen time to 70 to 80 minutes to ensure the classroom has the adequate amount for thorough exploration of each continent.