Isn’t it ironic?
First, watch this video! It’s pretty funny.
Next, watch this one. It clarifies it even more!
Irony vs. Coincidence Irony: when the outcome of an event is opposite from what was expected. Coincidence: two events that happen at or around the same time, which seem to be planned. EXAMPLE: The two cars barreled around opposite corners and careened into one another. It is a COINCIDENCE that they arrived at the same time and hit one another. Last night, I had a dream that my dad bought my a gerbil. When I got home from school, my new gerbil was waiting for me in my room.
You try it! At the time of the man’s death, his watch stopped. Last night, my dad ordered a Big Mac, large fry, and a Diet Coke. My mother and father were born on the same exact dates. You pick up your phone to call your friend, and your phone rings. It’s her!