2.H.01 Identification Markings This presentation has been produced by Ausintec Academy (Study Horses .com) for purpose of Educational Training. It is not for sale and may not be used or reproduced without prior written permission from the Director of Ausintec Academy
Snip Palomino: Golden colour body with white mane and tail.
Star Buckskin/Yellow Dun: Golden colour body with black mane, tail and legs.
Stripe Bay: Light brown to dark brown body with black mane, tail and legs.
Blaze Black: Black body, legs, mane, tail, muzzle, flanks and ears. Paint/Pinto/Piebald/Skewbald: Irregular patches of any basic body colour mixed with white.
Bald or White face Roan: White hairs mixed with a solid color throughout the body with solid color head and legs Blue Roan: Black with white hairs Red Roan: Chestnut/Sorrel with white hairs
White Coronet
White Pastern
White Sock Chestnut/Sorrel: Brown body and legs (from yellowish to reddish to dark) with similar, darker/lighter mane/tail
White Stocking Brown: Black body with brown muzzle and brown areas around the flanks, muzzle and eyes. Grey/Gray: Usually born a solid color with white hair increasing as they get older starting with the face and legs. One of the parents of a grey horse is always a grey
Ermine Marks
Brands Appaloosa: a spotted colour of white and another base colour such as black, bay or chestnut
For more information see the 2.H.01 Identification workbook.
For more information see the 2.H.01 Identification workbook.
For more information see the 2.H.01 Identification workbook.