Spring Project TAKE NOTES! Due: April 23, 2014
Disney World is Expanding. Where in the World Should They Build?
Who Has The Best Weather? Due to the great success of Disney World the management is interested in expanding and you have been asked to find a great, new place to build it! That place will NOT BE IN THE USA, instead, the city you select will be somewhere else in the world that has the “Best Weather” since weather has a tremendous impact on attendance at the park. What makes “Best Weather” for a theme park in your opinion? You must determine what “Best Weather” means to you and select five cities anywhere in the world outside the US, to compare for this venture. After researching data from your city choices create and display charts and graphs on a document, powerpoint, etc,(8”x11”) and present your final decision. Be prepared to not only convince your classmates that your choice is “Best” but be prepared to convince the management at Disney World. Good luck and enjoy the ride!
Task Your first task will be to define "best weather.“ Think about what Disney World may consider when selecting a new destination. Next you will select five possible cities from anywhere in the world. These cities are the ones you will be researching to discover which one has the “best weather”. Then you will collect data from weather websites about their weather. Finally, you will use this information to select the "best weather" city and present your conclusions in printout format 8’x11” (regular paper size) or printed powerpoint slides format. (NOTE: PLEASE FOLLOW DIRECTIONS ON PRINTOUT SIZE, BRINGING IN A LARGE POSTER OR TRIFOLD WILL EARN YOU AN “NP” GRADE DUE TO NOT FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS!)
Process Come up with a definition of "best weather." Using a map, select five possible cities that might have the "best weather“ for the new facility. Be sure to print a copy of a map so that you can identify the cities for your presentation. Go to various online weather and city sites to obtain data about monthly high and low temperatures and rainfall for each city. Be sure to print a copy of what you find. Represent this data in tables and graphs. You may use Excel or other spreadsheets to construct your tables and graphs. Decide, based on the data, what is the "best weather” city. Write up a conclusion (1page) that makes sense for the management of Disney World. An advertisement for your proposal with city information, pictures, data, etc. Present your conclusions in a document format and/or power point.
Evaluation Novice 1 Apprentice 2 Practitioner 3 Expert 4 Explanation of “Best Weather” Less than three components are listed Three components are listed Three components to determine best weather with an explanation as to their importance is identified Practitioner plus: pictures, graphics or more City Selection Less than five cities are selected Less than five cities are selected and identified on a map Five cities are selected and identified on a map additional components to help select city Data Collection Data is displayed in one form: chart, bar graph, line graph form Data is displayed in chart form Data is displayed in bar graph form Data is displayed in chart form Data is displayed in line graph form Data is displayed in alternative form A frequency table of possible city selections is attached Data Interpretation Best weather city is selected Novice plus: Three substantiated facts determined from your data Apprentice plus: Four substantiated facts Information gathered to help with the site selection as sites of interest Presentation Power point Hard copy and power point Hard copy, printour and PowerPoint slide show correct spelling sound
Checklist of Items you should have in your final report: 1 page with your definition of “Best Weather” with maps of each of the 5 cities (identify each city) Copy of the websites you found your data about monthly high and low temperatures and rainfall for each city. Tables and Graphs of the 5 cities with the data on weather for each one showing the (Mean, Median, Mode, and Range and anything else that is important to note about your data). Make a Creative Advertisement with information, data, and pictures, etc. 1page write-up with your conclusion/proposal of the city you have selected based on your research and data information. Your data must support your final conclusion/proposal.
Sample Ideas to Present and Advertise Create a song to promote your selected city as Disney’s new site. Create a commercial to promote your selected city. Design a billboard to promote your selected city. Set up a contest for others to vote on the best city choice. Come up with your own ideas!
Links The Weather Channel: http://www.weather.com Yahoo Weather Center: http://weather.yahoo.com Time and Date: http://www.timeanddate.com/weather/ AccuWeather: http://www.accuweather.com/en/world-weather#country-selector