What can we learn about X resonances at K1.8 J-PARC Hadron physics WS 2014.11.30 What can we learn about X resonances at K1.8 K.Imai (JAEA)
X resonances in PDG
PDG Table of X
X* quark model: Chao, Isgur, Karl PRD 23 (1981) X(1690)JP? X(1820)3/2- X(1530)3/2+ L(1520)3/2- L(1405)1/2-
X* spectroscopy at K1.8 X*(1530) radiative decay X*(1690) Spin-parity, Branching ratio If ½-, it may be s=-2 analogue of L(1405). SK molecule?
Radiative decay of X(1530) is not known! Radiative decay were measured for all other 10 -> 8 baryons. Radiative decay is the best probe to study its structure.
X(1690) Why it is interesting? Just below or above SK threshold S-K0 1695.0 MeV S0K- 1686.3 MeV S0K0 1690.2 MeV S+K- 1683.1 MeV Very small branching to Xp Narrow width ~10 MeV candidate of exotic baryon (meson-baryon molecule)
Hyperon spectrometer (HypTPC) for E42, E45 at J-PARC TPC with GEM in Superconducting Helmholtz magnet of 1.5 T 2019/4/14 Seoul-meeting 2010/11/30
GEM sheet and the pad plane Test of full size TPC is under progress at JAEA 2019/4/14
HypTPC Target is inside TPC track of short life hyperons L, S, X-, (K0) High rate operation beam pass through up to 106 Hz (If GEM at beam path is killed, 107~108 Hz) Large acceptance almost 4p High resolution DM(LL) ~ 1 MeV 2019/4/14 Seoul-meeting 2010/11/30
X*(1530) X g K-p -> K+ X-*(1530) ds/dW ~ 40 mb/sr at p(K-) = 1.65 GeV/c p(K+) ~ 700 MeV/c T.Iijima et al., (E176) N.P. (1992) Yield estimation 5cm liq. H target, 106 K-/5sec, 0.1 str. Kurama acceptance, 100 shifts, 4.6x105 X*-(1530) HypTPC acceptance for X- p-L, L pp- 60% Charged branch of L : 64%, branch for radiative decay: 0.5% 900 (3% error) If you require g position to reduce background 450 (5% error)
Mass spectra 1) X(1530) 2) X(1321) 3) L by S. Hwang
Miss mass of p(K-,K+ X) gamma pi0
HBC data on X(1690) P(K-)=4.2 GeV/c (CERN) cross section for X(1690) ~ 7.6 mb C. Dionisi et al., PL 80B (1978) 145. An enhancement at the Sigma K threshold (1680 MeV) observed in K-p reactions at 4.2 GeV/c. M(S+K-) M(LK-)
S. F. Biagi et al. , Z. Phys. C 34 (1987) 15. X S.F.Biagi et al., Z. Phys. C 34 (1987) 15. X* resonances in X- Be interactions CERN 116 GeV/c X- beam Width < 8 MeV
345 GeV/c S- beam CERN 1400 events ! Width 10+-6 MeV M.I.Adomovich et al., WA89 EPJ C5 (1998) 621. First observation of X- p+ decay mode of the X0(1690) hyperon. 345 GeV/c S- beam CERN 1400 events ! Width 10+-6 MeV
K.Abe et al., Belle PLB 524 (2002) 33. Observation of Cabbibo-suppressed and W exchange Lambda-c baryon decays. Lc X(1690)0 K+ at Belle. Width = 11+- 4 MeV
BarBar Lc L K0 K+
spin of X(1690)
B. Aubert et al. , BarBar PRD 78 (2008) 34008 B.Aubert et al., BarBar PRD 78 (2008) 34008. Measurement of the spin of the X(1530) resonance. Lc X- p+ K+ at BarBar
How can we measure with HypTPC at K1.8 Spin-parity and branching ratio to LK, SK, Xp, Xg K-p -> K+ X-* X-* -> LK-, S0K-, S-K0, X-p0, X0p-, X-g, K-p -> K0 X0*, X0* -> LK0, S0K0, S+K-, X-p+, K0->p+p-, X0->Lp0 Most of decay channels can be measured. (one neutral particle is allowed to reconstruct the decays ) Yield estimation: (5cm liq. H, 106 K-/spill, 100shifts) 4mb 5x105 X*(1690) if 1mb for each channel LK-, S0K-, Xp: 0.6x0.64=0.38, -> 5X104 events S-K0: 0.35x0.64x0.6=0.13 -> 1.6x104 for K0X0* channels, multiply 0.35x0.6=0.2
mass spectra 1) X(1690) 2) L 3) X*
How to determine spin-parity Angular distribution of decay particles !! 3/2 -> ½ +0 D-> p +N L=1 -> cosq But it is not so simple. for parity determination of ½ state. interference with background ( p(s)-wave resonance on s(p)-wave background) polarization of daughter hyperon (L,S) if X* is polarized (L(1405) Moriya et al., )
Summary The new hyperon spectrometer (HypTPC) is under construction at JAEA in collaboration with Korea and New Mexico U. Following H search experiment (E42) and E45, X* spectroscopy should be carried out as well as X-p scattering experiment at J-PARC. 2019/4/14
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Cross sections Xi-* Sigma0 K- (K0 pi+) 3.2+-0.8 mb Lambda K- (K0 pi+) 1.1+-0.5 Xi0* Sigma+ K- (K+,pi-) 2.3+-0.3 Lambda K0 (K+,pi-) 1.0+-0.4 Xi pi < 1.0 Total cross section for Xi(1690) 7.6 mb
X(1690) ½- ?
WA89 setup S- 105/spill S-/p- =2.3 7.5 Tm 45 MWPC 29 SSD
K-p K+ X- p+ X-p+ invariant mass E.Briefel et al., PRD 16 (1977) 2706. Search for Xi* production in K-p interactions at 2.87 GeV/c. sensitivity: 30 events/microbarn, BNL HB K-p K+ X- p+ X-p+ invariant mass