PAG Network Business
What‘s up in your country? Make a group of 2 countries. Tell you counterpart(s) what are current hot issues in public administration in your country (3-4 min) a notice what is considered interesting. Switch. Report the most interesting issue in your country selected by your partners to the plenary (1 min). What‘s up in your country?
U-lab PDIA?
Strategic management book Benedict
Heli EC News Mina
Events in the pipeline Study visit to UK January? 2019 Jeremy Cox within the National Health Service Case study of the policy failure: Universal Credit Events in the pipeline
Training on Public Management for 21st Century (Prague) 27 Feb – 1 Mar 2019? Benedict and Vladimir summing up the knowledge from and around the network Events in the pipeline
Events in the pipeline Network meeting March/April? Any hosts? Techniques for engaging citizens and participation of stakeholders Maybe a joint meeting with Partnership network Events in the pipeline
Thank you all!