Data Set Size
Key Data Set Issues A&S C&B C&Y B&A Idriss Chi-Chi MS yes no Chi-Chi AS Yes For soil amp Koceali & Duzce Ducze Lamont Sta Dist Range 0-130 0-200 0-300
Model driven non-linear Site Models A&S C&B C&Y B&A Idriss Vs30 Yes yes Soil category No no Geomatrix A, B, C, D Z1.0 or Z1.5 Yes, Z1.0 Yes, Z1.5 Z1.0 Will evaluate ? Empirical non-linear Model driven non-linear For cutoff vs only basin
Source Parameter Models A&S C&B C&Y B&A Idriss Oversaturation with mag Through correlation w/AR no No(M1) Yes (M2) Aspect ratio Yes Style-of-faulting yes planned Dip Yes, in HW In HW ? Hypo depth HW/FW Yes rjb Planned Yes using rjb Static stress drop Buried/surface No Depth to top of rupture
Issues from Dec 2004 Oversaturation Use of Aspect ratio Is it real? Is it due to the aspect ratio, or the magnitude? Use of Aspect ratio Are aspect ratios used in NGA consistent with aspect ratios currently used in hazard analyses? Correlation with style-of-faulting Dependence on dip Is this dip effects or a regional effect?
A&S changes Use new non-linear soil functional form Added HW factor Addressed cross over level Added HW factor Function of dip and Rjb
Site Amplification for PGA (EPRI model)
HW model
Site Amplification model
Non-linear soil term: b
Non-linear soil term: vref
PGA, SS, Vs=600
Example of Event Terms
T=1, SS, Vs=600
T=3 , SS, Vs=600
M6, Rrup=10km, SS
M7, Rrup=10km, SS
M8, Rrup=10km, SS