Rail Splitter Society Welcomes all!
This Month’s Trivia Quiz subject: Our 1st president: George Washington
Question 1 What year was George Washington born? 1682 1712 1732 1762
Trivia Alert!!! George Washington, the first President of the United States, was born at Bridges Creek, Westmoreland County, Virginia, on February 22, 1732. He was the first son of Augustine Washington and his second wife, Mary Ball Washington.
Question 2 In 1751, what affliction left George Washington scarred for life? Measles Chicken-Pox Small-Pox Black Plague
Trivia Alert!!! In 1751, a young George Washington accompanied his half-brother Lawrence, who was stricken with consumption, to the West Indies, where they hoped the climate would be beneficial to his health. During their visit, however, George developed a severe case of small-pox which left him scarred for life. Lawrence died the following year, leaving George as heir of Mount Vernon, the family estate.
Question 3 How old was George Washington when he was made commander of the Virginia forces? Twenty-Three Thirty-Three Forty-Three Fifty-Three
Trivia Alert!!! During the war with the Indians he ranged the whole field on horseback, making himself the most conspicuous target for Indian bullets, and, in spite of what he called the dastardly behavior of the regular troops, saved the expedition from annihilation, and brought the remnant of his Virginians out of action in fair order. In spite of his reckless exposure, he was one of the few unwounded officers. In August, after his return, he was commissioned commander of the Virginia forces, being then only twenty-three years old.
Question 4 Who did George Washington marry in 1759? Martha Clark Martha Dandridge Mary Robinson Mary Deveneux
Trivia Alert!!! In January of 1759, George Washington married Martha Dandridge, the widow of Daniel Parke Custis. They remained married until George died in 1799. Martha died shortly thereafter, in 1802. They are both buried at Mount Vernon.
Question 5 What happened to George Washington on June 15, 1775? His first child was born He was wounded in the Battle of Lexington He was appointed to the first Continental Congress He was named commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United Colonies
Trivia Alert!!! In 1775, after the violence at Lexington and Concord, the second Continental Congress resolved that the colonies ought to be put in a position of defense, and the first practical step was the unanimous selection in June 15, 1775, of George Washington as commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United Colonies. Refusing any salary and asking only the reimbursement of his expenses, Washington accepted the position, asking every gentleman in the room, however, to remember his declaration that he did not believe himself to be equal to the command, and that he accepted it only as a duty made imperative by the unanimity of the call.
Question 6 How many terms did George Washington serve as President of the United States? One Term Two Terms Three Terms Four Terms
Trivia Alert!!! George Washington served two terms as President of the United States (1789-97). He was so popular, in fact, that even after he had positively refused to serve a third term, two electors voted for him in the 1796-97 election.
Question 7 Who served as Vice President of the United States during George Washington's Presidency? Thomas Jefferson John Adams James Monroe James Madison
Trivia Alert!!! John Adams served as Vice President of the United States during George Washington's Presidency (1789-1797). After Washington refused to serve a third term, Adams was elected the second President of the United States (1797-1801). His son, John Quincy Adams, also became President (1825-1829).
Question 8 How many children did George Washington have? One Two Three None
Trivia Alert!!! George Washington was childless. The people of his day said that he was the father only of his country. Collateral branches of the family, however, have given the Lees, the Custises, and other families a claim to an infusion of the blood.
Question 9 What rebellion did George Washington suppress in 1794? Tobacco Rebellion Corn Rebellion Whiskey Rebellion Tea Rebellion
Trivia Alert!!! In 1794, George Washington suppressed a rebellion by farmers in western Pennsylvania who were protesting a federal whiskey tax. This short-lived revolution came to be known the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794.
Question 10 What material were George Washington's false teeth carved from? Wood Ivory Silver Gold
Trivia Alert!!! George Washington suffered from toothaches for much of his adult life. At the age of 57, he finally had all of his teeth pulled, and from that point on he always wore false teeth. Although legend has it that these false teeth were carved from wood, they were actually carved from ivory and set in a silver plate.
Question 11 What percentage of the electoral college did George Washington receive? None (there was no electoral college then) 75% 92% 100%
Question 12 What does the first president of the United States and one of the Rail Splitter Founders have in common? One can trace lineage back to Washington One had a plantation named Vernon and the RSS founder has a child named Vernon Both named George Both married Martha’s A and C B and D
Randi Albright – Volunteer & Events Coordinator Trivia Alert!!! The founding members of the Rail Splitter Society are: (Please Stand as your name is read!) Randi Albright – Volunteer & Events Coordinator George Ball - Fearless Leader (can trace his lineage back to George Washington) Paula Manolakos – Volunteer & Events Coordinator Marc Wienner – Mr. Wizard
How many words were in George Washington's 2nd inaugural address? Tie Breaker How many words were in George Washington's 2nd inaugural address? >Winner: closest to actual number
Trivia Alert!!! Tie Breaker George Washington’s 2nd Inaugural address was the shortest of any president’s. It was only ???? words long. 135
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