Interspecies transmission of SsPV1/WF-1 from S. sclerotiorum to S Interspecies transmission of SsPV1/WF-1 from S. sclerotiorum to S. nivalis via hyphal contact. Interspecies transmission of SsPV1/WF-1 from S. sclerotiorum to S. nivalis via hyphal contact. (A) Comparison of colony morphologies of S. nivalis strain Let-19 and SsPV1-infected isolates Let-19V1 and Let-19V2, which were obtained from Let-19 after the mycelia of Let-19 contacted those of hypovirulent strain WF-1, at 5 and 10 days postinfection. (B) The hyphal tips of strains Let-19V1 and Let-19V2 showed excessive branching compared to strain Let-19. Moreover, cytoplasm (marked with black arrows) was released from some hyphal tips of strains Let-19V1 and Let-19V2. (C) Virulence assays of S. nivalis. Let-19V1 and Let-19V2 did not infect detached A. thaliana leaves at 4 days postinfection, but Let-19 did. (D) RT-PCR detection of SsPV1/WF-1 dsRNA in extracts from strain Let-19, two representative Let-19V isolates, and strain WF-1. All dsRNA samples were treated with DNase I and S1 nuclease prior to electrophoresis. The actin gene was used as an internal control. The predicted lengths of the RT-PCR products for CP and RdRp of SsPV1/WF-1 are 300 and 320 nt, respectively. Xueqiong Xiao et al. J. Virol. 2014;88:10120-10133