insouciant: adjective definition: free from worry, concern, or anxiety carefree; nonchalant
insouciant pronunciation: in-soo-see-uh nt
insouciant related forms: noun insouciance adverb insouciantly
insouciant synonyms: carefree blithe lighthearted unconcerned heedless nonchalant
insouciant The girls were not lazy; they were merely insouciant.
insouciant The insouciant girls contentedly flew their kite.
insouciant The couple spent an insouciant afternoon lounging on a float.
insouciance Insouciance allowed the child to sleep anywhere.
insouciance Insouciance is a trait shared by many fishermen.
insouciantly The man insouciantly basked in the sun.
insouciantly The child insouciantly frolicked on his bike.