(eResearch Paper - DNA) Friday December 8, 2017 (eResearch Paper - DNA)
The Daily CSI Friday, 12/8/17 A dried bloodstain was found at a crime scene and a DNA fingerprint was run on it. DNA fingerprints were also run on three possible suspects. According to these DNA fingerprints, which suspect does the blood belong to? Suspect 2’s fingerprint is the only one that matches the bloodstain fingerprint.
Male 1 is the father of the baby. The Daily CSI Friday, 12/8/17 The mother of a newborn baby requests a DNA typing procedure to determine which of two men is the father of her baby. Can you tell who the father is from the results of this paternity test? Male 1 is the father of the baby.
We will take Quiz 8 next Thursday (12/14) Announcements We will take Quiz 8 next Thursday (12/14)
Overdue F7 TBD F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 11/28 11/29 11/30 12/1 12/4 Assignment Currently Open Summative or Formative # Date Issued Gone Missing Day Last Day Accepted Textbook Assignment – Understanding DNA F7 11/28 N/A TBD Virtual Lab – DNA Extraction F8 11/29 TODAY Overdue Textbook Assignment – Replication of DNA F9 11/30 Virtual Lab - Gel Electrophoresis F10 12/1 Tomorrow WS – DNA Mini Quizzes F11 12/4 Thursday WS – DNA – The Double Helix F12 12/5 Friday Activity – DNA – Fingerprinting Quiz F13 12/6 Monday Activity – DNA Evidence – How It’s Done F14 12/7 Tuesday
eResearch Paper DNA