Draft Mandate and Proposed Approach for the Drafting Group on


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Presentation transcript:

Draft Mandate and Proposed Approach for the Drafting Group on Mixing Zones Madalina DAVID - Unit D.2 – Protection of Water and Marine Environment John Batty – Environment Agency UK

Introduction Timetable for the EQS Directive: Adoption of the Rapporteurs’s Reports on the Common Position in the ENVI Committee Meeting RECOMMENDATION FOR SECOND READING.doc 06 May 2008 2nd reading in the Plenary Meeting of the European Parliament http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+TA+P6-TA-2008-0283+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN 17 June 2008 Commission Communication on the 2nd reading http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:52008PC0487:EN:NOT 17 July 2008 Approval by Council http://register.consilium.europa.eu/pdf/en/08/st10/st10732.en08.pdf 23 June 2008 Publication End of 2008 Transposition (Art. 12) 18 months

Objectives to support WG E  the CIS of the WFD 2000/60/EC, establishing activities on mixing zones will focus on the development of a technical guidance for the identification of mixing zones  Article 4(4) of the EQS Directive the guidance will be tested using different types of water categories with different hydromorphological elements

Organisation technical meetings: decided on an ad hoc basis/scheduled the progress report will be presented at the WG E meetings (twice/year: spring and autumn) the finalisation of the TGD: end of 2009 and the adoption by the Article 21 Committee: Spring 2010 the Drafting Group: UK, NL, FR, DK and DG ENV. The leader of the DG’s activities is UK/NL and the co-leader is DG ENV. The leader will present the updates to WG E. In the next step the progress reports will be presented to the SCG and the Water Directors.

Links with other activities Drafting Group on Mixing zones will work under umbrella of the WG E   CMA Consultation of expert groups with similar activities: international marine conventions (OSPAR, Helsinki, Barcelona) international river conventions (Danube, Rhine) Community legislations (e.g. REACH, IPPC Directive, Pesticide/Biocide Directive)

Type and intensity of work Contribution to the drafting of technical guidance: ad hoc meetings e-mail exchanges for sharing experience collection and compilation of the information correcting text discussions on specific issues the Commission’s consultants shall support the Drafting Group WG E members are invited to contribute to this work

Timetable: Mixing Zone Guidance I Initial meeting Paris September 2008 Presentation of approach to WG-E October 2008 SCG and Water Directors agree mandate November 2008 Drafting group 1st working draft to DG Environment December 2008 Revisions and consultation with WG E February 2009 Presentation of consolidated 1st draft to WG-E meeting March 2009 Start the testing of the guidance Amend document to reflect Member State written comments June 2009

Timetable: Mixing Zone Guidance II Final version agreed at WG-E October 2009 SCG and Water Directors adopt final version November 2009 Article 21 Committee /Spring 2010 Transposition of Daughter Directive June 2010 Use of Guidance for RBMP2 December 2015

Mixing Zone Guidance Proposed Contents I 1.0 Executive Summary 2.0 Introduction 3.0 Definitions What is a mixing zone When to define How to define 4.0 Proposed approach –decision tree 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Freshwater Mixing Zones Principles for determining significance Determining the extent of the mixing zone Determining acceptability Transboundary pollution

Mixing Zone Guidance Proposed Contents II 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Saltwater Mixing Zones Principles for determining significance Determining the extent of the mixing zone Determining acceptability 7.0 Dealing with multiple discharges 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Strategies to reduce mixing zones Programmes of Measures and Pollution Control Discharge Characteristics Design and construction of outfalls 9.0 Conclusions and recommendations 10.0 Annexes (Frequently asked questions/ worked examples/ Software and tools) 11.0 References

Working Group E Support Working Group E is requested to endorse the draft mandate and the proposed approach of the drafting group Working Group E Members are asked to provide expressions of interest, by 22 October 2008, to: contribute to the active work of drafting guidance test draft guidance once available (March 2009 onward)