Visualization of Tracking Issues in CRUZET4 Data Track Reconstruction September 18th, 2008 Ryan Kelley (UCSD)
Introduction Short presentation to show some event displays from a CRUZET4 run before and after reprocessing. Run 58555 super pointing skim Reprocessed in CMSSW_2_1_8 Looked at 4 cases: CASE 1: CTF tracks, bug fix Self layer navigation No TIB hits attached after reprocessing CASE 2: no CTF tracks but RS/CosmicTF tracks has a short CTF track after reproc but RS/CosmicTF has longer track CASE 3: no tracks at all (before or after reprocessing) CASE 4: an example with many CTF tracks
Case 1a: CTF self Navigation Run 58555, Event 250318 Before After CTF was cutting off half way through due to self layer navigation bug. Appears to be corrected in this event.
Case 1a: CTF self Navigation Run 58555, Event 2875021 Before After Same
Case 1a: No CTF Before Run 58555, Event 3002960 CTF looks longer but non of the TIB hits are attached to the track (13 TOB hits, 0 TIB hits).
Case 1b: No CTF Before Run 58555, Event 1924567 RZ view displays rechits in the center of the strip Before reprocessing, there was no CTF track (but does have RS and CosmicTF).
Case 1b: No CTF Before (cont.) Run 58555, Event 1924567 After reprocessing, we have tracks from all three algorithms. 13/73 events recovered a CTF after reprocessing
Case 1b: No CTF Before Run 58555, Event 3856449 After Another example
Case 2: no CTF but RS/CosmicTF Run 58555, Event 5082122 CTF seems to miss tracks that pass through transition region between TEC and TOB.
Case 2: no CTF but RS/CosmicTF Run 58555, Event 251861 CTF seems to miss tracks that pass through transition region between TEC and TOB.
Case 2a: no CTF but RS/CosmicTF Run 58555, Event 2877330 No CTF originally. After reprocessing, had a short track. RS/CosmicTF have a long track.
Case 3: no Tracks (any algo) Run 58555, Event 1876771 A few muon hits but no coherent hits in the tracker
Case 3: no Tracks (any algo) Run 58555, Event 966098 Same
Case 3: no Tracks (any algo) Run 58555, Event 1924567 Same as before
Case 3: no Tracks (any algo) Run 58555, Event 2999883 Went straight down the TEC
Case 3: no Tracks (any algo) Run 58555, Event 5078284 Another example crossing the TEC
Case 4: many CTF tracks Run 58555, Event 3003207 Before After Both had 7 CTF tracks. After has this weird track.
Case 4: many CTF tracks Run 58555, Event 5076389 Before After 3 CTF tracks before, 5 after. More weird tracks.
Conclusions Only looked at a few events so take these conclusions with a grain of salt. Self layer navigation appears to be working Found one case where tracks are not attaching the TIB hits No CTF and w/RS and CosmicTF events where the muon skirts the transition region between Barrel/Endcap No tracks (any algo) Events with no coherent hits in the tracker Events that pass through only endcap Showed two event with many hits CTF made some weird short tracks.