Let’s Prepare! Gather your Discussion materials! 12 minutes Conversation stems handout Sheet of computer paper Scissors – I will hand out Clipboard Think-pair-share handout
Hope, Despair, and Memory Lesson 17
Let’s Review!
Let’s Prepare!
Today’s Outcomes TSWBAT initiate and participate in a variety of text-based discussions, specifically on Antigone. TSWBAT compose clear and coherent writing appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. TSWBAT analyze how a character creates an argument.
Let’s Prepare! Conversation stems handout Sheet of computer paper Scissors – I will hand out Clipboard
Discussion 12 minutes Let’s Discuss
Let’s Discuss Discussion 6 minutes 4 minutes Make sure to answer both questions. 10 seconds Write your partner’s name here. 2 minutes Summarize your partner’s answer here.
Let’s Discuss Discussion 2 minutes 10 seconds Write your new partner’s name here. 2 minutes Summarize your partner’s answer here.
Discussion 4 minutes Let’s Discuss
Declaration of Independence “Hope, Despair, and Memory” Flap Chart 10 minutes Let’s Discuss Declaration of Independence “Hope, Despair, and Memory” You will have 10 MINUTES to create a FLAP CHART in order to answer the discussion question. How does Antigone relate to the Declaration of Independence? What central ideas do “Hope, Despair, and Memory” and Antigone share? What similar concepts are being explored in “The Lottery” and Antigone ? “The Lottery”
Declaration of Independence “Hope, Despair, and Memory” Discussion 5 minutes Let’s Discuss Declaration of Independence “Hope, Despair, and Memory” “The Lottery”
Let’s Express Our Understanding! Timed-Write 15 minutes Let’s Express Our Understanding!
Let’s Close! I got this! Help!