Presented by: Cynthia Kiser ESL Teacher Welcome to 3rd Grade Presented by: Cynthia Kiser ESL Teacher
Be Independent Ask lots of questions Be sure you understand the assignment Know where and when to turn it in Ask the teacher BEFORE an assignment is due Network with friends to get information you may have missed in class
Be Organized Use your Planner Write information down Use folders to keep track of assignments Turn Assignments in ON TIME
Be Responsible Put your name on every paper you turn in! Turn your homework in Stay on task – Time is precious!
Study for Tests and Quizzes Students will have tests in Science, Social Studies and Math Study Guides will come home Practice quizzing your child
Be Observant Watch what other student are doing If everyone takes notes so should you If they are reading in a book so should you If they are listening and trying to answer questions so should you Follow the rules of each classroom Not paying attention, tells the teacher you are not a serious student
Expect To Work Hard Studying and Listening all day in English is exhausting Try to complete the homework (Nightly) Bring it back with questions Study for quizzes and tests You may have to work extra to learn English and Content
Practice Math Facts Practice Addition and Subtraction facts in the summer before 3rd Grade. Practice Multiplication and Division Facts every night during 3rd Grade Students should be Fluent (All facts in 2-3 minutes by the end of 3rd grade)
Higher Thinking Skills Do not just memorize facts and information A deeper level of Knowledge is expected Material repeats in higher grade levels Written responses Application of Knowledge tasks
Homework Spot Have a quiet place to complete homework Establish a routine for doing homework- when?, where?, how?, with whom? Parents need to write questions or “we didn’t understand” on incomplete work and children MUST RETURN IT. NOT doing homework is NOT an option
A Teacher’s Kindness Do not take it for granted Nice does not mean EASY You may be graded on a different scale at first and this may seem like the class is “Easy” but this will change. You are expected to put forth EFFORT
Include Others Include do not Exclude others Make friend from many different Language Backgrounds Speak English as much as possible
School Days “Bedtime Routine” 2 weeks before school starts: Start practicing the Bedtime Routine Go to bed and get up on the school schedule Children need 2-3 weeks to adjust!
Write! Write! Write! Keep a summer journal Write lists – grocery, To Do, friends names Write fantasy stories Notes, cards, letters Emails, blogs
Read Together Reading TO and WITH your child Daily 20 minutes Familiar stories Retell the stories Ask questions: who? What? When? When? Discussion connections between books and real life
Be Positive You may like it or You may not like it here Being Positive will make the hard times easier As a parent, speak positively of school Smiling at people will help your child make friends.
Parent Support Check Backpacks, websites, email Don’t rely upon your son or daughter Help with homework Ask Questions Come to events Make an Appointment before coming to school BUT… Your child is responsible for themselves and their mistakes…