Joe Mohr <> A 6m Telescope for the South Pole: a Status Report Florence CMB Coordination Meeting, 2018 Joe Mohr <>


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Presentation transcript:

Joe Mohr <> A 6m Telescope for the South Pole: a Status Report Florence CMB Coordination Meeting, 2018 Joe Mohr <> LMU- Munich MPE- Garching

Florence CMB Coordination Mtg - Mohr Concept Contribute next generation 6m wide field survey telescope to the SPT Collaboration Seek German DFG funding at 12MEUR level for new telescope in return for broadened German participation in SPT Further CMB-S4 through near term prototyping and (ideally) with ready-made LAT at South Pole 5m diameter / 100 deg2 FOV 136k Fl pixels at 150GHz Padin, 2018 Applied Optics 20. Sep 2018 Florence CMB Coordination Mtg - Mohr

Florence CMB Coordination Mtg - Mohr Motivations Structure formation science with SZE and CMB lensing Galaxy cluster physics Feedback and impact on matter power spectrum Galaxy cluster cosmology SPT surveys + auxiliary data already rich resource Scientific advances in cosmology, cluster studies, dusty galaxy and AGN studies Multi-l sky surveys will provide new science leverage SPT MeerKAT 20. Sep 2018 Florence CMB Coordination Mtg - Mohr

Florence CMB Coordination Mtg - Mohr Funding Status DFG interested in concept, but broad participation needed Currently Astrophysics/Cosmology Chairs at six German universities have expressed interest/support LMU-Munich, Heidelberg, Bonn, Aachen, Hamburg and Bielefeld Interest also within MPG (MPA and MPIfR), raising possibility of cost sharing between DFG and MPG With go-ahead from DFG we expect to submit a proposal this fall 20. Sep 2018 Florence CMB Coordination Mtg - Mohr

European Coordination and CMB-S4 Collaboration on populating the focal plane an obvious possibility Implications for low frequency LAT surveys? See talks by José-Alberto Rubiño Martin and Angela Taylor tomorrow Flesh out design/construction/operations details on a monolithic mirror, wide field concept that offers advantages for polarization studies 20. Sep 2018 Florence CMB Coordination Mtg - Mohr