Oregon State University Faculty Senate Dec. 6, 2012 City of Corvallis – Oregon State University Collaboration Project Update Oregon State University Faculty Senate Dec. 6, 2012
What has been happening over the past nine months? Three work groups: neighborhood livability, neighborhood planning, parking and transit. Work groups include OSU faculty, staff and students and community members. Appointed by Mayor Manning and President Ray. Twice monthly public meetings. Review issues and recommend solutions and policy changes. Collaboration steering committee decides what recommendations advance to the City Council and OSU. April 18, 2019
Recommendations to date: NEIGHBORHOOD LIVABILITY: Create and distribute campus “living guide.” Provide more city police officers. Grow collaboration among Corvallis police, OSP, Public Safety. Enforce OSU “Code of Student Conduct” off campus. Cite – versus warn – first offenders. Increase fines for providing alcohol to minors. Develop a “social host ordinance.” Grow “town and gown” practices, resources. Engage in strategies to address underage drinking. April 18, 2019
Recommendations to date: NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING: Require additional parking for large housing units. Increase percentage of undergraduates living on campus. Make student housing a goal of OSU Campus Master Plan. Explore on-campus private-public housing partnerships. April 18, 2019
Recommendations to date: PARKING and TRAFFIC: Coordinate city and OSU transit services. Promote commute and parking alternatives. Evaluate and implement variable parking pricing on campus. Evaluate and recommend next steps for off-campus parking districts. Re-define role of OSU Shuttle. Complementary GPS and mobile apps for city and OSU transit. Increase city transit ridership by 20 percent annually. April 18, 2019
Recommendations to date: Parking and Traffic continued: Sustain Linn-Benton Loop connecting LBCC with OSU. Explore creation of transit hub on campus. Utilize targeted communications to promote alternative ways to reach OSU. April 18, 2019
More study on police staffing and effectiveness measures. Next steps: More study on police staffing and effectiveness measures. Address staffing needs in Office of Student Conduct. Communicate to students. Continue work on variable campus pricing models. Make decision; promote concept, pricing options, benefits. Examine and formulate immediate parking district expansion and improvement recommendations. Implement collaborative transit communications. Promote transit to expand ridership, reduce car trips to OSU. Create a regional Collaboration Project housing work group. April 18, 2019
Establish realistic requirements, deadlines, metrics. Next steps’ emphasis: Focus on doing better, not just doing more of the same and getting the same results. Establish realistic requirements, deadlines, metrics. Identify who is responsible to get job done. Identify who will fund what. April 18, 2019
Faculty Senate Engagement opportunities: Participation in variable on-campus pricing evaluation. Continued engagement in work groups. Participation in new housing work group. On-going feedback. Engagement in expanded “town and gown” initiatives. As faculty leaders, emphasize Collaboration Project initiatives that make a difference. Share your thoughts with peers and community members. April 18, 2019