Module 4 Implementation measures
Understand in broad terms the main measures required to implement the Convention Conventions requirement to implement Initial implementation steps The implementation cycle Actors responsible for implementation Law, policy and budget reform Providing inclusive services Awareness-raising and training Research Monitoring ObjectiveModule flow
Implementation in the Convention Adopt all appropriate legislative, administrative and other measures for the implementation of the rights recognized i.e., judicial, educational, financial and social broad, comprehensive and flexible approach to implementation respectful of particularities consistent with the Convention and the full obligations derived from it
Initial implementation steps Identify a focal point for the Convention in the Government Identify focal points in line ministries Make or join civil society coalitions for the Convention Issue a press release on its ratification Make the Convention accessible Advocate national, regional and local implementation Review laws, policies and budgets Raise awareness with professionals (service providers, lawyers, judges, public servants, parliamentarians … ) Review the accessibility of public facilities/services Undertake a baseline study of the enjoyment of disability rights Identify gaps in understanding or in capacity
The implementation cycle Law and policy Budgets Institution- building Inclusive services Awareness- raising and training Research Monitoring /reporting
Who is involved in implementation? Implementation of the Convention Focal points & coordination mechanism (Government) National monitoring framework Civil society, persons with disabilities & DPOs, the media, academics Parliament oversight Courts & tribunals
Institution-building In Government Focal points Coordination mechanism Independent Monitoring and implementation framework Other Courts Parliaments
Law and policy review Convention Integral disability law Health, education, housing Labour, social protection Building Guardian, elections, criminal law Non- discrimi- nation
International and regional legal framework National legal framework National budget framework National policy framework Connecting laws, policies and budgets = Better implementation of laws and policies Budget/funding measures
Ensuring inclusive service provision Mainstream services Support services Specific services
Awareness-raising and training Video: Hong Kong: changing perceptions about disabilities (10'27") kong-changing-perceptions-about-disabilities.html
Research Research related to: Universally designed goods, services, equipment and facilities New technologies, including information and communication technologies, mobility aids, devices and assistive technologies Policy formulation
Monitoring Government data collection Civil society monitoring NHRI monitoring Committee reports Domestic reports Evidence-based implementation
Sources Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities A/HRC/10/48 OHCHR, Legislation Handbook (forthcoming) OHCHR, Study on the implementation of article 33 in Europe (forthcoming) Of course we can: Report on the rights of persons with disabilities in Timor-Leste. Available from port2011_en_resize.pdf (accessed 6 August 2012) port2011_en_resize.pdf