“Jesus Our High Priest by Word of Oath!” Hebrews 7:20-28
A good way of remembering this is thinking back to Israel as they were being led out of Egypt (bondage) into the Promised Land (glory)…
Why would anyone ever want to leave Jesus and return to the Law in order to be saved?... Are you willing to be saved by grace alone or are you going to insist that you do something to earn your way?
…As he was passing a table with a tray held high, the unthinkable happened. Leonard slipped on a spot of gravy on the floor and watched helplessly…
Purpose: to better understand our forgiveness through grace is only possible because of our High Priest
I Consider the Greatness of Melchizedek (vv 1-10) A. Melchizedek’s History (vv 1-3) B. Melchizedek’s Significance (vv 4-10)
II Consider the Greatness of JESUS CHRIST (vv 11-19) A. Levitical Priesthood Was Imperfect B. Law Has Been Abrogated
Colossians 2:14 “…having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.” 8
II Consider the Greatness of JESUS CHRIST (vv 11-19) A. Levitical Priesthood Was Imperfect B. Law Has Been Abrogated C. There is a Better Hope
Christ’s superior priesthood is the basis of this hope….
III Consider Christ’s Superior PRIESTHOOD (vv 20-28) A. A Divine Appointment (vv 20- 22)
Psalm 110:4 “The Lord has sworn and will not change His mind, You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.” 12
III Consider Christ’s Superior PRIESTHOOD (vv 20-28) A. A Divine Appointment (vv 20-22) B. His Eternal Intercession (vv 23-25) C. His Perfect Character (vv 26-27) D. His Permanent Sacrifice (v 28)
No more sacrifice is necessary: Jesus Paid it All!
Conclusion and Summary …I pray that we all better comprehend the significance of Christ’s Priesthood for it was given to us by the Word of Oath!