19-1 AND19-2 Short Quiz Answer on Back of Note Sheet!
Short Quiz 3. What are the characters and symbols in the cartoon, and what does each one represent? 2. How do the words help you identify the cartoonists intention? 3. What action is taking place in the cartoon? 4. What opinion is the cartoonist expressing? 5. What is the message?
Popular Culture Chapter 19 Section 3
The New Era of Mass Media The 1950s saw a lot of new trends in mass media, the largest though had to be the television. At first the TV was not anything to be very excited about especially compared to todays standards. There was limited programs and at first only started out on the East Coast with 2 hours of programming a week! The development of microwave relays however made it possible for TV signals to be transmitted over longer distances. By 1956 the FCC cleared 500 new stations to be broadcast. It was the start of the golden age of TV. Radio was not the forefront in advertising anymore, but they did strive in reporting the local news, music, and weather. Even though the movies could not compete with the convenience of TV, the industry still had an advantage in sound, picture, and size. Theaters even tried 3D movies with special glasses and other novelties to keep movie goers coming.
Emerging of a Subculture Although TV and mass media had become a hit in the U.S. not everyone was in favor of how the mass media portrayed America. The beat movement expressed how artist, poets, and musicians did not want to conform to the new American way of life. The beatniks or beat followers sought to live a life of non-conformity and rejected normal. Along with this the beatniks were known for using music, Buddhism, and even drugs to reach a higher consciousness. The beatnik way of not working, not watching TV, or not owning a home may not sound the most appealing but it did rouse the imaginations of many college students.
African Americans and Rock n Roll In the early 50s the Rhythm and Blues music was becoming a hit with its electronic instruments and traditional blues melodies. But soon came a different music that local Ohio DJ, Alan Freed promoted. This music had an up tempo beat with a mix of R&B, country, and the blues. It was called Rock n Roll, an American music. Muddy Waters, aint nothin but the blues sped up Names like Chuck Berry, Bill Haley, and of course Elvis Presley brought rock n roll to the peak of its popularity and to the teenage youth of the 1950s. Because of live performances from these rock n roll stars, many adults began to condemn the artists and their music. In a few cites rock n roll concerts were banned and parents began to believe it would lead to teenage rebellious behavior and delinquency.
The Racial Gap Even though the birth of rock n roll was heavily influenced by African Americans, they were still broadcasted on separate stations and channels. They were playing the same music and still were not equal. At one point in the 1950s there was 250 radio stations nationwide that were specifically aimed towards African American listeners. Along with rock n roll, African American musicians were well known for a style of music called Jazz. Jazz was a blend of smooth melodies with the use of improvisation from the performers. Many famous singers and artist were born from the Jazz genre of music. Such as: Nat King Cole, Charlie Parker, Lena Horne and Miles Davis.
Origins of Rock n Roll The major influence on Rock n Roll is actually rooted in rhythm and blues style music. This was a primarily African American style of music. Willie Mae Thornton was the first to record Hound Dog but Elvis remade it shortly after. Elvis was notorious for his dance moves especially in his Ed Sullivan performance.
A Look Ahead: Voyager 1 This space probe was launched in the 1970s and is still out there completing its mission. It contains this golden disk that has instructions on how to build a phonograph and how to play the record. The record includes songs by Chuck Berry, Johnny Be Good. and Dark Was the Night, by Blind Willie Johnson