Content Capital Budget Breakdown 1 2 Urban Settlements Development Grant Allocation 3 Urban Settlements Development Grant Payment Schedule 4 Urban Settlements Development Grant Allocation Per Service 5 Urban Settlements Development Grant Expenditure - 28th Feb 2018 6 Urban Settlements Development Grant Projects Implementation Status 7 Urban Settlements Development Grant Recovery Plan
CAPITAL BUDGET BREAKDOWN No. Funding Source 2017/18 Budget % 1 Revenue R 71,707,079 6% 2 Own Funds R 71,443,520 3 National Electrification Programme R 20,000,000 2% 4 Neighbourhood Development Partnership Grant R 15,000,000 1% 5 Public Transport Infrastructure & System Grant R 177,315,134 14% 6 USDG R 825,886,207 66% 7 Integrated City Development Grant R 13,082,068 8 Public Contributions R 26,761,603 9 External Loans - Fleet Lease R 29,599,094 10 WI-FI R 3,092,150 0% TOTAL FINANCING R 1,253,886,855 100%
Urban Settlements Development Grant Allocation
2017/2018 USDG ALLOCATION 2017/18 DoRA Allocation 2016/17 Rollover Total available USDG amount R 761,307,000 R 82,229,207 R 843,536,207
Urban Settlements Development Grant Payment Schedule
MANGAUNG- APPROVED PAYMENT SCHEDULE Description 2017/18 Financial Year - Voted funds % Allocation 1st Tranche 05 July 2017 R 269,084,000 35% 2nd Tranche 29 November 2017 R 319,749,000 42% 3rd Tranche 21 February 2018 R 172,474,000 23% TOTAL VOTED FUNDS R 761,307,000 100%
Urban Settlements Development Grant Allocation Per Service
2017/18 USDG ALLOCATION PER SERVICE DIRECTORATE BUDGET ADJUSTED BUDGET % Adjusted Budget Social Amenities (Sport Facilities) R 2,000,000 R 4,590,000 1% Social Amenities (Other) R 7,000,000 R 37,000,000 4% Land Development R 6,000,000 R 23,216,914 3% Human Settlements and Housing R 108,800,000 R 113,579,895 13% Roads and Storm water R 162,873,400 R 194,454,516 23% Sanitation R 298,000,000 R 273,600,000 32% Water Services R 127,954,225 R 156,935,939 19% Solid Waste Management R 11,679,375 R 6,404,375 Naledi R 15,500,000 R 14,104,568 2% Soutpan 0% 3% USDG OPSCAP R 19,500,000 R 17,650,000 GRAND TOTAL R 761,307,000 R 843,536,207 100%
Urban Settlements Development Grant YTD Expenditure
2017/2018 USDG FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Voted Funds Approved Rollover Total Available Funds Transferred Funds to date (2017/18) Expenditure Q1 Expenditure Q2 Expenditure Q3 YTD Expenditure R 761,307,000 R 82,229,207 R 843,536,207 R 114,434,161 R 208,265,593 R 42,500,261 R 365,200,015 Expenditure % Transferred funds Expenditure % Original Budget Adjusted Budget 48% 43% Current Year Transfers Date Transferred Funds 05 July 2017 R 269,084,000 29 November 2017 R 319,749,000 21 February 2018 R 172,474,000 Total
SYNOPSIS - FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE MONTH BUDGET TARGET ACTUAL EXPENDITURE % Q 1.1 R 63,442,250 R 0 0% Q 1.2 R 126,884,500 R 50,094,200 7% Q 1.3 R 190,326,750 R 114,434,161 15% Q 2.1 R 253,769,000 R 195,300,410 26% Q 2.2 R 317,211,250 R 231,255,362 30% Q 2.3 R 380,653,500 R 322,699,754 42% Q 3.1 R 444,095,750 R 347,960,274 46% Q 3.2 R 507,538,000 R 365,200,015 48% Q 3.3 R 570,980,250 Q 4.1 R 634,422,500 Q 4.2 R 697,864,750 Q 4.3 R 761,307,000
YTD EXP % Original Allocation YTD EXP % Adjusted Budget 2017/2018 USDG FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE PER DIRECTORATE DIRECTORATE BUDGET ADJUSTED BUDGET ACTUAL EXP YTD EXP % Original Allocation YTD EXP % Adjusted Budget SOCIAL AMENITIES (SPORT FACILITIES) R 2,000,000 R 4,590,000 R194,138 10% 4% SOCIAL AMENITIES (OTHER FACILITIES) R 7,000,000 R 37,000,000 R961,047 14% 3% LAND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES R 6,000,000 R 23,216,914 R6,479,328 108% 28% HUMAN SETTLEMENTS AND HOUSING R 108,800,000 R 113,579,895 R2,477,208 2% ROADS AND STORMWATER R 162,873,400 R 194,454,516 R71,716,091 44% 37% SANITATION R 298,000,000 R 273,600,000 R201,486,004 68% 74% WATER SERVICES R 127,954,225 R 156,935,939 R80,943,583 63% 52% SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT R 11,679,375 R 6,404,375 R806,703 7% 13% NALEDI R 15,500,000 R 14,104,568 R135,914 1% SOUTPAN R0 0% 3% USDG OPSCAP R 19,500,000 R 17,650,000 GRAND TOTAL R 761,307,000 R 843,536,207 R365,200,015 48% 43%
Urban Settlements Development Grant Projects Implementation Status
HUMAN SETTLEMENTS DIRECTORATE Settlement name No. Of households Budget (000) Status Section L 500 R 29 000 Contractor is on-site Section M & E 135 R 7 830 Kgatelopele 78 R 3 900 Designs to completed end of Feb Grassland 4 50 R 4 000 Section T 35 R 2 030 Botshabelo West 670 R 16 800 Thabo Mbeki Sq 51 R 2 551 Designs completed Kgotsong 1300 R 10 000 Magashule Sq 53 R 2 650 Namibia 200 Ratau R 1 950 Appointment of contractor Thaba Nchu ext 27 110 R 2 750 Sonderwater 2 80 R 500 Tender to be ready 1st July 2018 Bloemside 9&10 R 2 500 Tender to be ready 1st July 2019 Bloemside 7 1128 R 3 000.00 Tender to be ready 1st July 2020 3311 R 102 012.00
PLANNING DIRECTORATE Project name Budget Progress % spent Status FORMALIZATION OF INFILL PLANNING: Botshabelo Section R, Maroka Ext 40, 27 and Seroalo R 3 479 000 100 % Projects completed and invoices paid. TOWNSHIP STABLISHMENT BOTSHABELO (SURVEYING) R 616 117 R 297 512 48 % SG Plans submitted to SG Office expected to be approved end February 2018 and balance will be paid. TOWNSHIP STABLISHMENT BOTSHABELO WEST EX R 996 797 LAND SURVEY MATHLARANTHENG R 3 800 000 R 0 0 % Submission of SG plans expected end March 2018 and 80% payment will be done. Approval of SG Plans expected end of May and remaining 20% will be paid. LAND SURVEY QIBING (WEPENER) R 468 690 Project completed (payment to be finalized) LAND SURVEY RATAU (THABA NCHU) R 220 000 R0 Township establishment expected to be approved by April 2018. Surveying expected to commence in April and submission of SG Plans in May 2018. 80% payment will be made in May 2018 LAND SURVEY BOTSHEBELO WEST EXT R 2 510 500 Consultant and surveyor appointed and the township establishment to be finalised in May 2018 LAND SURVEY HEIDEDAL EXT 30/31/32 R 900 000 SG Plans submitted for approval thereafter 100% payment will be effected LAND SURVEY BRANDKOP R 2 904 400 Land surveyor appointed and the township establishment to be finalised in May 2018 LAND SURVEY CICILIA R 1 371 410 LAND SURVEY AIRPORT NODE R 1 850 000 Land surveyor and EIA consultant appointed and the township establishment to be finalised in May 2018 Total R 15 641 393 R 5 241 999 33 %
FLEET DIRECTORATE Project name Budget Progress % spent Status Extension of weighbridge office and Land Fill Sites R 800 000 R 400 000 50 % Contractor on-site and making good progress Upgrading and Refurbishment of Northern Land Fill Sites R 2 000 000 R 1 128 907.90 56 % Upgrading and Refurbishment of Southern Land Fill Sites R 3 000 000 R 2 397 962.93 79 % Total R 15 641 393 R 5 241 999 33 %
ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTORATE Water and sanitation All contractors and consultants are on-site End of quarter two we were at 60% and 62% respectively Roads and Storm water Contractors are back on-site after a long protracted community unrests Contractors have submitted revised project schedules to catch up Soutpan and Naledi Consultants and contractors are on-site for construction of paved road, refurbishment of water supply systems and sewer refurbishment
SOCIAL SERVICES DIRECTORATE Nallis View Cemetery Contractors are on-site to do fencing, internal roads and ablution facilities MMM is currently engaging SANRAL with regards to the access road leading to the cemetery Contractors to be appointed at end of March for the development of parks at Dewetsdorp and Wepener at R1 million each These projects are expected to be completed by end June 2018.
SOCIAL SERVICES DIRECTORATE Project Name Total number of Stands Stands to be connected in 17/18 FY Estimated Project Cost Electrification of Hillside View Development (RDP) 600 R 9, 300, 000 Project Name 2015/2016 Actual Expenditure 2016/2017 Actual Expenditure 2017/2018 Budget YTD Expenditure HILLSIDE VIEW UPGRADING OF ROADS AND STORM WATER R 7,753,899 R 12,437,332 R 8 000 000 R 4,423,328 Project Name Description Budget Vista 2 & Vista 3 Re-alignment of bulk water-pipe R 25,000,000 Airport Development Node EIA and Planning & Surveying R 1,850,000
Invoice payment period of all USDG funded projects are expedited. REMEDIAL ACTIONS Invoice payment period of all USDG funded projects are expedited. Funds are re-allocated from projects that are at planning stage and/or performing slowly to projects showing accelerated cash-flow movement. Project managers are continuously monitoring progress of consultants and contractors on site. HOD HS is co ordinating a multi stakeholder team (all directorates implementing USDG) to ensure that project performance is tracked, monitored and possible risks are mitigated. The team meet monthly and when necessary. USDG item is on the Executive Management Team agenda.