The Changing Workplace CM Objective 2.02
We used to think of it as: We must now think of it as: Structured, stable and secure Flexible and changing, with little security Finding a good job and settling down, the employer’s responsibility Being continually aware and prepared; it’s the employee’s responsibility Position or title oriented Skill oriented Providing a variety of incentives/rewards Having few incentives or rewards Linear careers Non-linear careers Working for others; large employers Self-employment; small employers Having a white, male influence Having a multi-ethnic, female influence
We used to think of it as: We must now think of it as: Job specific, with clear duties Many duties, with cross training Labor intensive; with the worker as a tool to be used Knowledge intensive; worker is a resource to be developed Education is completed; it is separate from work Life-long learning; education and work co- mingled Focus only on the product Value added; service Error/slippage tolerated; “It’s close enough.” Total quality/management control; catch errors early Mainly dollar drive; the bottom line is most important Value and dollar driven; many things to consider