Delegation of Control Manage Active Directory Objects 3.7 TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity
Section Skill Overview Use the Delegation of Control wizard to assign permissions. TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity
Key Terms Delegation of Control TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity
Key Definitions Delegation of Control: Delegating administrative authority means not only sharing administrative tasks with other users, but also tightly controlling the permissions granted to each administrator. Use the principle of least privilege to assign users, including administrators, the permissions required to do their jobs, but no more. TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity
Delegation of Control A method of granting rights in Active Directory. Helpdesk Group > Password Delegation TellerAdmins Group > All rights for OU TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity
Delegation of Control Wizard The server tool used to delegate control. Access from Active Directory Users and Computers. Use the principle of least privilege. TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity
Rights Delegation Facts TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity
In-Class Practice Do the following labs: 3.7.4 Delegate Administrative Control TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity
Class Discussion When is it necessary to delegate Manage Group Policy links? TestOut Server Pro 2016: Identity