NHS 111 online Stakeholder briefing information 111 online is a new service which helps people get urgent healthcare online. It will be available in Greater Manchester from 23rd July 2018
answer questions about their symptoms People can get medical help or advice at 111.nhs.uk using a smartphone, laptop or other digital device. They can: answer questions about their symptoms get advice on what to do and where to go if necessary, get further advice from a nurse, doctor or other trained medical professional *Average triage time is 7 minutes on phone service and 2 minutes 9 seconds online.
111 online is free and easy to use available 24/7 up to 4 times faster than the 111 phoneline* helping to manage increasing demand on 111 telephone services *Average online triage time is 2 minutes 9 seconds compared with 7 minutes on the phone. *Average triage time is 7 minutes on phone service and 2 minutes 9 seconds online.