I Was a Skinny Tomboy Kid by Alma Luz Villanueva Discuss: Do you ever feel like an “outsider”? What are some things that can make a young person feel like they’re different? In what ways might boys and girls feel different from other boys and girls? Can feeling different be a good thing?
I Was a Skinny Tomboy Kid by Alma Luz Villanueva Concept Vocabulary-p. 68 Clenched Stubborn Tenseness Rate your knowledge of the words Use context clues to determine the meanings Clean read-pencils down What do you notice? What do you wonder?
I Was a Skinny Tomboy Kid by Alma Luz Villanueva Close read: Poetry What are the differences between prose and poetry? Look for details that help you see the images the author creates Consider the author’s word choice so you might be able to infer the speaker’s message Mark challenges with a C and triumphs with a T Circle powerful words or words you don’t know Mark important ideas in the poem with ! Write thoughts/questions in the margin SHARE annotations with partner
I Was a Skinny Tomboy Kid by Alma Luz Villanueva Comprehension check-p. 72 IN YOUR PACKET-answer questions 1-3 in complete sentences. ON A HALF SHEET OF PAPER-write a summary with an IVF sentence.
I Was a Skinny Tomboy Kid by Alma Luz Villanueva Analyze the text-p. 73 Discuss-What makes people feel the need to act tougher than they might be? With your partner, answer questions 1 and 3 on the top of p. 73 (write your answers in the margin).
I Was a Skinny Tomboy Kid by Alma Luz Villanueva Concept Vocabulary-p. 73 Describe a situation in which someone might have clenched teeth. Describe what a person might do if he or she were stubborn. Describe what someone might do to relieve a feeling of tenseness. Word Study-p. 73 -ness means “the condition, state or quality of being” Changes an adjective into a noun Think of an adjective that describes a person-what happens when you add –ness to that word?
I Was a Skinny Tomboy Kid by Alma Luz Villanueva Analyze Craft and Structure-THEME-p. 74 Read the top of p. 74. Highlight/underline important information. Share What are some themes in popular movies/books? Work with your partner(s) to complete #1 and 2 on p. 74 Share
I Was a Skinny Tomboy Kid by Alma Luz Villanueva Author’s Style- p. 75 Read the top of p. 75. Highlight/underline important information. Share Work with your partner(s) to complete Read It table on bottom of p. 75. Share