Education Level 22% High School Graduate 16% Some College 5% College Graduate 2% Post Graduate Occupations 18% White Collar 37% Blue Collar 11% Retired 42% Homemaker 9% Student Adults 18+ That Watched Estrella in the past week Whos Watching Estrella? Number of Children in Household 30% - zero 12% - one 34% - two 20% - three 3% - four+ Source: Stowell Research 2011 and 2012,
The Hispanic population is growing more rapidly than the total population, a trend that is projected to continue … In Austin, the annual Hispanic purchasing power is $7.9 billion, making the region one of the top 25 Hispanic markets in the country - Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce U.S. Hispanic owned small businesses are outpacing the growth of all other small businesses in the U.S. by a ratio of 3 to 1 - Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Austin has over 14,000 Hispanic owned businesses – Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 2010 Census: Austin Metro Area There are 538,313 Hispanics living in the Austin Metro Area, which represents 1/3 of the total population of 1,716,291. Just in the City of Austin, there are 277,707 Hispanics out of a total population of 790,000 (accounting for more than 35% of the total population). Between 2000 and 2010, the Hispanic population in the Austin Metro increased by 64%. This growth accounted for 45% of the total growth for the Metro area. Source: Austin Hispanics and Census 2010 (ppt) Estrella TV is a 24-hour Spanish language network on digital multicast channel 24.2 (NVUE) and Time Warner Digital Cable channel 605, providing the growing Hispanic community in the Austin area. ESTRELLA VIEWER PROFILE: 74% are Spanish dominant Households 53% Men, 47% Women 79.3% between % have a household income of $40K+ 19% are High School graduates, 25% have some college experience 51% are married 35% own their own home 60% are currently employed 76% have a household size of 4+ 84% have1+ Kid Source: Stowell Research, Austin 2011; who watched NVUE in past 7 days.