The Lecturer as a Producer Meeting 3 Stage D: Review Background information Presentation: Meeting 3 Estimated duration: 60 minutes Group meeting: 3 to 5 lecturers Pre-meeting requirements: Come with 1-2 explanatory videos that you’ve recorded. © The workshop content is protected by copyrights
The Workshop's Concluding Meeting Watching the recorded explanatory videos Group discussion How can the video be improved? What are my main insights? What are my future plans regarding use of explanatory videos ? Guidelines for the instructor Watching the video is accompanied by completing a Video Quality Indicator form (see appendix).
See you on the screen!
Appendix: Video Quality Indicator 1 - strongly disagree | 4 - strongly agree Statement 4 3 2 1 Irrelevant The video structure includes an opening, middle and end The video's opening generates interest or curiosity The screens are aesthetic The screens are not over-loaded The text is clear and its size is legible Narrative elements are used Diction is clear Speech pace is good Recording quality is good The content is interesting The content is clear I would like to watch the sequel video